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High tension in Confindustria: the mystery of Gozzi’s appeal to the arbitrators

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High tension in Confindustria: the mystery of Gozzi’s appeal to the arbitrators

High tension in Confindustria: the mystery of Gozzi’s appeal

New, or rather yet another, twist in the race for Confindustria. Yesterday three takes from Ansa announced that Antonio Gozzi, currently out of the competition, he would have formalized an appeal to the board of arbitrators against his exclusion. Then, in the morning an beraking latest news agency denied this reconstruction. According to what appears to Affaritaliani.it, the truth lies in the middle.

It is true that the owner of Duferco (and president of Federacciai) has not presented a formal appeal, but he is waiting to obtain a more precise indication of what the the votes that were not recognized. Because one thing is certain: there remains a discrepancy between the preferences announced by the Ligurian entrepreneur (around 25%) and those certified by the wise people (around 15.3%). The latter would not only be the fruit of an objective absence of votes, but also of the choice not to consider some resolutions valid.

Hence Gozzi’s request to receive, possibly by tomorrow, the more detailed reasons that led to his exclusion. Because, it is worth remembering, there will be a secret ballot vote on April 4th. And Duferco’s boss does not rule out further formal proceedings. Sources close to the president of Federacciai also minimize the impact that a possible appeal to the arbitrators could have: it would be, it is said, a habitual step after all and not a real fracture as would be the last resort that is still viable, i.e. the appeal to the ordinary judiciary. A solution that would paralyze the election of the next president of Confindustria and would open the doors to the “prorogatio” regime for Carlo Bonomi pending the definition of the dispute with stamped papers.

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A scenario that is anything but desirable. Among other things, according to what was reported by very authoritative sources to Affaritaliani.it, Bonomi himself has not yet stopped hoping for his future in the galaxy of Viale dell’Astronomia. On the one hand it seems that he continues to offer his package of votes in exchange for the presidency of Il Sole 24 Ore. Seat currently occupied by Edoardo Garrone but expiring next year. On the other hand, he insists on seeking a position within the Luiss board of directors. And the solution could even be to find space in the Friends of Luiss Association, which today represents two members of the board of directors of the Confindustria university: the president Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone and the executive vice-president Stefano Lucchini.

Returning to the race for the presidency of Viale dell’Astronomia, it seems that Antonio Gozzi is also thinking from other perspectives. Assuming not to resort to arbitration, he already has a viable alternative in mind. Making his package of votes weigh which could amount – given what people close to the president of Federacciai say – up to 35-36 preferences. And given that the race has a very narrow margin, because the gap between Emanuele Orsini and Edoardo Garrone is very narrow, so those votes would have an enormous weight. And they should be made profitable.

The hypothesis of Gozzi personally involved in Orsini’s team or – much less likely – Garrone’s team would appear to be waning. But the issues he focused on (manufacturing, defense of the Northern steel sector and greater presence in Brussels) they would remain essential and would be carried out by a trusted person, placed in a key role in the team of the winning president.

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Finally, the issue of the subsidiaries still remains to be resolved. Apparently, the MEF’s request for silence was partially accepted. Leonardo, for example, did not expose himself. Eni, it seems, is currently still inclined towards Gozzi but there are no official statements. Enel would be uncertain: the president Paolo Scaroni has expressed his preference for the owner of Duferco, the CEO Flavio Cattaneo seems more inclined for Orsini. As well as FS, which also does not have a vote in the assembly. In short, exactly one week after the vote the game is still very open. What perhaps would have been nice to have is a fight over programs and strategies. Fundamental issues for the relaunch of a very tarnished association. But, unfortunately, the challenge has moved on to other tracks. What a pity.

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