Home » Two dogs damaged their vehicle while trying to reach a cat in Florida (VIDEO)

Two dogs damaged their vehicle while trying to reach a cat in Florida (VIDEO)

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Two dogs damaged their vehicle while trying to reach a cat in Florida (VIDEO)

In a bizarre incident that shocked a Jacksonville neighborhood, two dogs were caught on camera causing extensive damage to a car in their frantic attempt to reach a cat hiding behind the vehicle. The car’s owner, Christie Barr, was left in disbelief after waking up to find her car vandalized, only to later discover the true culprits.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office reviewed security footage from Barr’s property, revealing the shocking attack by the dogs on her car as they tried to reach the neighbor’s cat. Barr, who estimated the damage to be up to $3,000, expressed gratitude that the cat survived the ordeal.

Neighbors were left stunned by the incident, with many unable to believe that the dogs were responsible for the damage until seeing the footage for themselves. The video has since gone viral, garnering attention and disbelief from viewers across the internet.

Christie Barr now faces the task of covering the costs to repair her car, all thanks to an unexpected showdown between two dogs and a quick-thinking cat. The incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of animals and the unexpected ways in which they can impact our lives.

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