Home » Dress up the city to welcome the Asian Games Jiashan Bureau is in action

Dress up the city to welcome the Asian Games Jiashan Bureau is in action

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Dress up the city to welcome the Asian Games Jiashan Bureau is in action

Release date: 2023-05-25 15:30

Information source: Municipal Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau


In order to create a clean, orderly, and civilized urban environment, Jiashan County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau planned in advance, actively deployed, and promoted urban landscape renovation and improvement actions with high standards to welcome the arrival of the Asian Games with the most beautiful image.

First, the management of the city appearance is in place, and it is brave to be the main force of rectification. Carry out blanket inspections in market towns and other areas, adhere to the problem-oriented approach, comprehensively grasp the current weak points in the management of city appearance and order, focus on the control of roads where problems occur frequently, and increase the management of “six chaos” phenomena such as random piles and random stalls. strength. According to the actual management of the jurisdiction, carry out comprehensive rectification of difficult areas such as back streets and alleys with narrow roads and poor city appearance, and rationally allocate law enforcement forces for specific problems in each back street and alley to ensure proper publicity, management, and rectification . Taking Huimin Squadron as an example, this month, there were 40 cases of education and rectification, 90 cases of random parking on the sidewalk, 9 cases of punishment, 3 cases of rectification and rectification, and 55 cases of outside store operations.

The second is that the rectification of letters and visits is in place, and the satisfaction of residents is improved. Taking the demands of the masses as the starting point, strengthen the handling of letters and visits and complaints, constantly standardize the work process, and refine the line of responsibility. For letters and visits such as soot and oil pollution and nighttime construction noise that are of high concern to the public, do a good job of on-site investigation, get in touch with the parties concerned in a timely manner, actively implement communication and docking, and complete the reply after the event. In addition, insist on moving the gate forward, improve the problem investigation mechanism, timely discover and grasp the contradictions and disputes in the jurisdiction, carefully study and judge the situation of complaints and complaints, concentrate on rectification, and effectively combine complaints and complaints with daily inspections, and strive to solve problems from the source. Taking Weitang Squadron as an example, a total of more than 200 person-times were dispatched this month, and multiple concentrated rectifications were carried out on the road sections where complaints were concentrated, and 8 cases of outdoor unlicensed business operations were punished.

The third is publicity and guidance in place, urban management cohesion. Through the “eight advances” publicity and new media, multi-channel and comprehensive legal publicity and education will be carried out to enhance the public’s awareness of understanding the law and abiding by the law, mobilize the enthusiasm of citizens to participate in urban management, further improve the city’s appearance and environment, and consolidate the achievements of urban management. Law enforcement officers went into shops along the street, industrial factories, residential communities and other places to popularize laws and regulations such as the implementation of the “Three Guarantees” in front of the door, the treatment of illegal construction, and garbage classification. awareness, engagement and satisfaction. Taking Luoxing Squadron as an example, a total of 32 person-times were dispatched this month, and more than 200 publicity leaflets were distributed.

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