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«The National Health Service is in serious crisis, there is a risk of no longer being able to assist everyone» – breaking latest news

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«The National Health Service is in serious crisis, there is a risk of no longer being able to assist everyone» – breaking latest news

Fourteen Italian Scientists Call for Urgent Action to Save National Healthcare

A group of fourteen prominent Italian scientists have joined forces to issue a stark warning about the state of the National Health Service (NHS) in Italy. In a joint appeal, the scientists highlighted the urgent need for action to protect and improve the country’s healthcare system.

The appeal, signed by notable figures such as Ottavio Davini, Silvio Garattini, and Giorgio Parisi, emphasized the importance of the NHS as a place of research and innovation in the service of public health. The scientists expressed serious concerns about the current state of the NHS, noting that it is facing a range of challenges that are putting the system at risk.

One of the key issues highlighted in the appeal is the aging infrastructure of healthcare facilities in Italy, with two out of three hospitals being more than 50 years old. The scientists stressed the need for investment in healthcare construction and the recruitment and training of competent healthcare professionals to ensure the system can meet the needs of the population.

The appeal also drew attention to the underfunding of the NHS, with just 6.2% of GDP allocated to healthcare in 2025. The scientists warned that this inadequate funding is leading to a decline in health indicators, difficulties in accessing diagnosis and treatment paths, and growing regional and social inequalities in healthcare provision.

Additionally, the scientists pointed out the importance of investing in prevention and primary care to address issues such as obesity and low levels of physical activity in Italy. They also raised concerns about the increasing reliance on private healthcare services, which is pushing the country towards a more costly and less effective healthcare model.

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In conclusion, the scientists called for an extraordinary plan to finance the NHS and allocate specific resources to address the current challenges facing the healthcare system in Italy. They emphasized the need to remove territorial imbalances and ensure that all citizens have access to high-quality healthcare services, regardless of their location.

The appeal from these fourteen Italian scientists serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for action to safeguard and improve the National Health Service in Italy. It is clear that decisive steps must be taken to address the current crisis and ensure that the NHS can continue to provide essential healthcare services to the Italian population.

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