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Show your love with these phrases and messages

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Show your love with these phrases and messages


On this Children’s Day, take advantage of every moment to celebrate the unconditional love that unites parents and children

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Thiago Freire

Published on 04/05/2024 at 7:34 | Updated on 04/05/2024 at 7:39




It is the fact or event of journalistic interest. It may be new or recent information. It also concerns something new about an already known situation.


Predominantly opinionated text. It expresses the author’s view, but not necessarily the newspaper’s opinion. It can be written by journalists or experts from different areas.


Report that brings to light unknown facts or episodes, with a strong denunciation content. It requires specific techniques and resources.

Content Commerce

Editorial content that offers the reader a shopping environment.


It is the interpretation of the news, taking into account information that goes beyond the facts narrated. It uses data, brings developments and scenario projections, as well as past contexts.


Analytical text that translates the vehicle’s official position in relation to the facts covered.


It is institutional material, which addresses a subject of interest to the company that sponsors the report.

Fact check

Content that verifies the veracity and authenticity of information or fact disclosed.


It is the article that provides subsidies, historical data and relevant information to help understand a fact or news.


Breathtaking reporting, which addresses, in depth, various aspects and developments of a given subject. It brings data, statistics, historical context, as well as stories of characters who are affected or have a direct relationship with the topic covered.

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Approach to a specific subject, in which the topic is presented in a question and answer format. Another way to publish the interview is through topics, with the interviewee’s response reproduced in quotation marks.


Text with detailed and opinionated analysis regarding products, services and artistic productions, in the most diverse areas, such as literature, music, cinema and visual arts.

Celebrate this day with a special message for your son or daughter – Freepik

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No Children’s Dayos pais they celebrate the special bonds they share with those who are the heart of their lives.

It is an occasion to express love, gratitude and appreciation for the precious gifts that are children.

In this 5th of Aprilwe gather phrases e messages exciting messages for you to send to your children and convey all your affection and support.

Children’s Day Message

My love for you grows every day, my son/daughter. You are my constant source of joy and inspiration. May your day be as wonderful as you are. Happy Children’s Day!

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Son/daughter, every moment by your side is wonderful. Your laughter fills my life with happiness and hope. May this Children’s Day be full of love and smiles. I love you lots!

Dear son/daughter, your presence in my life is an unparalleled gift. May you know on this Children’s Day how loved and special you are to me. Happy Children’s Day!

No words can express the love I feel for you. You are my world. Happy Children’s Day!

May your day be as special as you are to me. Have a Children’s Day full of love and joy!

You brought light to my darkest days and happiness to my simplest moments. Thank you for being my son/daughter. Happy Children’s Day!

Children’s Day Phrase

Today is your day, my dear son/my dear daughter. May you feel all the love and affection I have for you. You are the light that illuminates my path. Happy Children’s Day!

In every hug, in every word, there is all my love for you, my son/daughter. May this Children’s Day be a reflection of how special you are to me. Congratulations on your day!

My life has gained a new meaning since the day you arrived. You are the best part of me. Happy Children’s Day!

May life present you with infinite reasons to smile, my beloved child. Happy Children’s Day!

Every laugh, every hug, every moment shared with you is a precious treasure. Happy Children’s Day, my angel!

Messages for Children’s Day

My greatest pride is being your father/mother. You are a precious gift in my life. May on this Children’s Day you feel all the love and admiration I have for you. Happy Children’s Day!

You are the light of my days and the reason for my smile. Happy Children’s Day, my love!

Every moment by your side is a gift. I am grateful to have you as my son/daughter. I love you beyond words. Happy Children’s Day!

You teach me more than you know. Your kindness, love and courage inspire me every day. Have a wonderful Children’s Day!

You are my greatest pride and my greatest joy. May life always smile at you, my dear son. Happy Children’s Day!

What does it mean to be a child? See the video

Children’s Day phrases

You are my greatest blessing, my son/daughter. May the love we share continue to strengthen us. Happy Children’s Day!

Nothing in the world compares to the love I feel for you. You are my greatest gift. Happy Children’s Day!

Your smile lights up my world. May your Children’s Day be as radiant as you are to me!

I am grateful for every moment we spent together, every obstacle we overcame. You are my hero/heroine. Happy Children’s Day!

You are the love of my life, my reason for being. Never forget how special you are to me. Happy Children’s Day, my treasure!

Send one of these phrases e messages Children’s Day Emotional celebrations to show how much your children mean to you and make this day a truly special occasion.

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