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what they are, how much they cost and how they work

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what they are, how much they cost and how they work

56 years old and don’t look it. During the TV program “Belve” Carla Bruni talked about using stem cells to rejuvenate her face. We asked dermatologist Di Pietro what this treatment consists of and what other techniques are to have more toned and relaxed skin.

Interview with Prof. Antonino Di Pietro

Dermatologist and director of the Vita-Cutis Dermoclinic Institute.

Since I was very young I have done a lot of treatment. I do stem cell treatments and I feel that they help my skin. Carla Bruni doesn’t hide it. Nature helps, aesthetic medicine too. Candidly, during the interview on Francesca Fagnani’s Belve programthe top model and singer has admitted that for years, since she was very young (take note: you have to start early – even if less early than Sephora kids) uses various types of treatments, including Botox, but his favorite is the one based on stamina cells. Stem cells are primitive cells capable of differentiating first and giving rise to a regenerative process. “Sand are injected into the skin they are able to differentiate into skin cells and give new vigor and firmness to the face. Without it being altered or transformed as a result.” the professor explained to Fanpage.it Antonino Di Pietro, dermatologist and director of the Vita-Cutis Dermoclinical Institute.

Stem cells to rejuvenate the skin

In medicine, stem cells are now used for some blood diseases, such as leukemia and lymphomas, and there are many possible applications being examined by researchers. And they are also used in aesthetic medicine and it is one of the most modern techniques capable of giving a naturally relaxed effect to the skin. The treatment through stem cells is innovative and starts from cells that are not normally among our favorites. The adipose ones. “Studies in recent years have confirmed that adipose tissue is rich in stem cells. The technique provides for this a removal of one’s own fat, a full-fledged liposuction which is done in areas such as the abdomen, legs, buttocks, areas where there is a concentration of fat. After collection, these cells are crushed, minimized and injected into selected areas of the face – Di Pietro continues – The procedure is more invasive than others (such as hyaluronic acid fillers) because the needles are larger, because liposuction is performed, even if everything takes place in the clinic and there is no need for hospitalization, but the results are very satisfactory and above all natural, in fact the face does not appear distorted, quite the opposite.”

Treatments that regenerate the skin

In general, anything that focuses on the regeneration of skin cells is a good solution to help the skin stay young in a natural way. “Fortunately, aesthetic medicine has made great progress in this sense and we have various possibilities together with stem cells. Let’s think about thehyaluronic acid“. The famous filler, the needle sticks that are needle-phobic proof. “Today we have two possibilities i linear fillers and those natural. There aren’t any big differences, but in the case of that linear it is a hyaluronic acid enriched by other chemicals that act as thickener. The filler penetrates the skin and stays there longer. In the case of thenatural hyaluronic acidthe filler technique is always used but it is pure There are no other substances, for this reason there is no immediate filling effect, the facial skin cells use the injected acid to regenerate and by regenerating they improve the production and quantity of collagen and elastin, giving the skin a young and not filled. For my patients I often use – through the picotage technique (microinjections of approximately one millimetre) – natural hyaluronic acid. It can be started at a very young age, even at 25-30 years old and there are no seasonal problems: it can even be done in summer because it actually helps the skin defend itself from UV rays.” Another technique, mainly used in the field of hair transplantation, but also very useful for skin rejuvenation, is il PRP, or Enriched Plasma Platelets.“Also in this case it is a cellular regeneration technique. In the case of PRP we proceed with a withdrawal Of bloodthe collected blood is then centrifuged, the red blood cells are separated from the serum which is rich in platelets with a powerful regenerating function, and the plasma is then injected subcutaneously in the areas selected by the doctor”. In the case of PRP treatment, however, the level of attention must be even higher. “To use PRP there is a very strict protocol to be respected, it falls within the scope of organ transplantation (even if it involves blood) and authorization from the transfusion center of the relevant local health authority is required. The premises and machinery must be suitable, the laboratory procedure approved. For this reason it is necessary to turn only and exclusively to very serious centers that respect all the rules.”

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Times, duration and costs to always have young skin

Meanwhile, to always have young, relaxed and relaxed skin, the secret is start early. Carla Bruni also said it on the other hand. “With picotage and hyaluronic acid you can start even before the age of thirty, around twenty-five. These are non-invasive techniques that help the skin preserve its state of integrity. The least traumatic of all is certainly natural hyaluronic acid. Generally, for all of them there are two-three initial sessions, one month apart, and then maintenance at three or six month intervals. This will then be established from time to time with the referring doctor”. However, with the same effects, the costs may be different. “They start from 600 euros for fillers and picotage up to 2500 for stem cells”. The results of all three of these techniques, Di Pietro assures, can be summed up in the word natural. “The skin appears regenerated, toned, elastic. Let’s think about those who go to the gym: there are those who choose to train to feel fitter and those who choose to become a bodybuilder. All three of these skin rejuvenation techniques give us a totally natural effect, there is no risk of appearing distraught as with Botox which swells and ‘paralyzes’ the faces making them immobile and inexpressive”. The advice is to always contact doctors and specialized centers with all authorizations in order. “Stem cells and PRP treatment are recent techniques, methods still in their infancy although widely used, but it is sophisticated medicine that we must not take lightly just because the operation lasts 30 minutes. The same goes for fillers: it is necessary that those who handle the needles are always expert and competent.” For the near future, not too distant, we are working on protocols and techniques capable of stimulating stem cells without removing and implanting them. “We will get there, we are studying substances capable of directly activating the stem cells already naturally present in our organism so that they can start regenerative processes on their own.

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