Home » Conegliano to the vote, the candidates challenge each other on the road system: new toll booth A27 and southern ring road the hot topics

Conegliano to the vote, the candidates challenge each other on the road system: new toll booth A27 and southern ring road the hot topics

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CONEGLIANO. The city crossed by tens of thousands of vehicles a day, for the most part it is through traffic, which also clogs up some neighborhoods and internal streets.

The viability was one of the topics debated in the confrontation between the candidates for mayor which took place yesterday morning in the editorial staff of the grandstand. The solutions go beyond the city limits, with projects financed but then not used, for example the A27 motorway exit in Santa Lucia. But an alternative are also cycle paths that create an interconnected network with other countries that have become a World Heritage Site, also in a cycling tourism key.


The five candidates agree on some points, but there are different solutions proposed by those who are preparing to administer the city on how to streamline traffic and promote weak mobility. “Pontebbana is an integral part of the city’s road network, the opening of the Santa Lucia toll booth would favor the outflow of heavy vehicles and would also lighten Campolongo – is the opinion of Francesca Di Gaspero (We Democrats and Design Conegliano) -, like the link road from Zoppas Arena towards the A27 and A28 motorway toll booths could cause heavy traffic in particular to flow out ».


Antonio Quarta, exponent of the Parè civic list, hopes for a review of the urban traffic plan and greater attention for those who ride a bicycle. «We need to make a way to have a complete traffic plan, examining all the opportunities to streamline traffic – says Quarta – both for the Santa Lucia toll booth and for the southern ring road. We have to make the neighborhoods more liveable with more one-way streets and cycle paths ».

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Toll booth in Santa Lucia combined with the southern ring road, from Parè to the A27-A28 toll booth are the solutions proposed by Fabio Chies (Forza Italia, Forza Conegliano and Avanti Tutta). “We carried out surveys with the technicians in the Urban Traffic Plan for this very reason – recalls Chies – everything that makes motorway exits permeable and increases relieves traffic on Conegliano, on Pontebbana most of the traffic is crossing, in particular east west and vice versa. The southern ring road from Susegana deviates towards the highway, avoiding the crossing traffic, relieving Campolongo. The opening of the Santa Lucia toll booth would go in this direction ».


Piero Garbellotto, who has already made a pact with San Vendemiano and the Vendemiano Region for the first section of the ring road from Zoppas to Cadore Mare, is in favor but with reservations, dictated by doubts about who would bear the costs.

Piazzetta 18 July in Conegliano

“The Santa Lucia di Piave tollbooth would also be an opportunity for Conegliano but, to be pragmatic, it should be done in concert with the Municipality of Santa Lucia – explains Piero Garbellotto – and remembering that the motorways are owned by the State but under concession to a private individual, who decides to make a toll booth if it is economically advantageous. I would like the toll booth also tomorrow morning, but it is equally true that it is difficult to build ».


For Lorenzo Damiano (civic list #Norimberga 2), who answered questions from the electoral headquarters, “there is no traffic problem in Conegliano, queuing for five minutes is not a problem. Rather than spending resources on a toll booth, I would make a cash fund to help abandoned elderly people. If anything, we remove the toll on the A28 motorway ».

Conegliano towards the elections, face to face in the editorial office between the candidates

Too many areas of decay, “The priests say so too”

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Is Conegliano a safe or insecure city? In some cases it is the perception of insecurity that makes citizens apprehensive, but there are many reports collected by the candidates themselves about situations at risk.


«I have been to the Corte delle Rose and the traders complain, as well as to the Setteborghi where they constantly see“ panevin ”in the former Zanussi occupied by disadvantaged people.

Even one of the parish priests of the center told me that he has security problems – reveals Garbellotto – the local police must be strengthened and placed on the territory and control the most degraded areas, restarting decorum and economy. I will also visit the command of the Treviso brigade, a virtuous example ». Fabio Chies, who had set the previous electoral campaign also on safety and decorum, feels called into question.


“We have hired seven police officers – replies Chies -. we have created one of the most advanced local police stations for camera control. There is a perception of insecurity, but what we have done on safety must be seen ”. Security is a workhorse of the center-right, while in the center-left the approach is more social.

Traffic at the Conegliano exit


“The objective data of the Ministry of the Interior is that the province of Treviso is in 107th place for crime in our country – the data communicated by Francesca Di Gaspero – in Conegliano there is more a problem of social degradation, from the Biscione to the hole black of the former Zanussi and towards the Monticano. The urban decorum in these areas must be restored and by intervening at the root on drug dealing and alcohol abuse, problems that most often affect young people, intercepting their difficulties, networking between local police, schools and counseling centers ».


Do not “pull by the jacket” the issue of safety is the opinion formulated by both Antonio Quarta and Lorenzo Damiano.

“There are also parties at the local level that set the policy on the climate of tension and terror – says Quarta -. While in our questionnaire, according to the citizens of Conegliano there is no security problem. We need to recover young people who have no alternative to smoking and drinking, they must be recovered with the Youth Project from a social point of view ». A vision similar to that of Damiano.


“In Conegliano there are turbulent children, but the problem lies with the parents who have to be careful of their children – says Damiano – politics, on the other hand, has exploited episodes, I don’t see crime in Conegliano. We encourage the installation of cameras, but who checks them if the police have been cut off? ».

Few cycle paths and sometimes dangerous: “I don’t send my children”

Traveling by bike and cycle tourism are a theme that is deeply felt by the people of Conegliano. «We need to find alternative routes, taking the example of the best in Tuscany that gave rise to the Eroica – Garbellotto thought – not cycling on the existing roads and on the Prosecco road which would be the most beautiful, but there is no space. We need to reason with the owners of land and headlands, with alternative routes on dirt roads ».

The position of Chies is close: «There are already routes on the hills that are made without being marked – observes Chies – routes must be created with private individuals, they think in an idea of ​​a cycle tourism system. The cycle paths must be traced by superordinate bodies ».

“Previous administrations have never been sensitive to weak mobility – claims Quarta – one-way streets and cycle paths are the future of Conegliano, it must be possible for the entire municipal area to cycle on cycle paths”. As a mother, Francesca Di Gaspero observes the question. “I have two children and I can’t take them on a bicycle because it is dangerous – he explains – safe cycle paths have to be created, signs have been improved for tourists, Monaco Venice and the Gira Monticano”. «From the Conegliano hills there are cycle paths, such as Dobbiaco Lienz – says Damiano -, without disfiguring the hills, which have already been ruined by the vineyards».


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