Home » Cybersecurity, start of the co-innovation lab by Dedagroup and Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Cybersecurity, start of the co-innovation lab by Dedagroup and Fondazione Bruno Kessler

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Cybersecurity, start of the co-innovation lab by Dedagroup and Fondazione Bruno Kessler

The alliance between Dedagroup and Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) intensifies. The collaboration between the aggregation center of Italian excellence of software and As a Service solutions and the international research institute based in Trento dedicated to the study of natural, technological and humanistic sciences, which began in 2016 with the creation of the first Co-Innovation Lab focused on AI & Data Engineeringis now expanding with the establishment of a second joint laboratory. The latter aims to promote constant technological transfer, placing emphasis on IT security for the latest generation software, an area of ​​growing importance for organizations of all sizes, in both the public and private sectors.

Thus was born the Co-Innovation Lab Cleanse – CLoud Native ApplicatioN Security, a joint investment for sharing the strong skills of its promoters, with the aim of allowing the market to integrate new methodologies and new tools for software development cloud native sicuri by designso as to anticipate and respond to the increasingly high standards required in the field of cybersecurity – linked for example to the new Nis2 regulation – and to the complexity of the challenges posed by new technological and application scenarios.

Their respective skills in cybersecurity and digitalisation are in the field

With this in mind, Fbk will make its resources and methodologies available to Cleanse Center for Cybersecurity engaged in two main lines of research: l’digital identity and the security of distributed services. Dedagroupinstead, will bring the field experience of an operator committed to accompany in digitalisation over 4000 customersmany of which are active in “critical” sectors from the point of view of the sensitivity of the data processed, such as public administrations and financial institutions.

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One of the first areas of application of Cleanse’s work will be strengthening of the Digital Hub, the Data & AI Engineering platform developed by the first Co-Innovation Lab, which allows you to simplify and speed up the management of the life cycle of data from its generation, transformation and valorisation – also through Artificial Intelligence technologies – up to its visualization and exposure. This will allow Dedagroup to evolve software architectures even faster infrastrutture cloud nativeoffering the market new models and methodologies for the development of secure by design solutions.

Anticipate emerging challenges in the field of cybersecurity

“The new Cleanse laboratory represents a significant step in the evolution of our partnership with Dedagroup, placing emphasis on the security of cloud native software and developing techniques for the integration of Artificial intelligence which guarantee not only the security, but also the reliability of the applications – states Ferruccio Resta, President of Fbk –. Thanks to the new Co-Innovation Lab, we aim to anticipate emerging challenges in the field of cybersecurity, promoting both the innovative approach of security by design, with the integration of security measures from the early stages of software development, and by providing cutting-edge tools to address current and future threats. The now consolidated collaboration with Dedagroup allows us to combine advanced research and practical applications, thus contributing to building a safer and more reliable digital ecosystem.”

Marco Podini, Executive President of Dedagroup adds: “As a leading group involved in the development of software and applications, we have always seen research as an essential asset to continue to guarantee our customers the highest product standards. Today, this allows us to respond effectively to the increase in complexity linked to the most recent developments in development: from the creation of native cloud solutions, to the integration and adoption of advanced technologies such as AI. This is why we believe it is of fundamental importance to work together with an institution like FBK also on the cybersecurity front, one of the strategic areas on which every type of industry is measuring itself and will be called upon to structure itself”.

Acn supports 28 startups

Meanwhile, from the National Cybersecurity Agency (Acn) funds to support the birth and development of start-ups active in digital innovation. With a public tender, 5 incubators operating in different areas of the country, in the South, in the Center and in the North, were identified. In the end, up to 28 companies judged to be the most promising will be financed. “We want – he explained the director of the Agency, Bruno Frattasi – create synergy by bringing together the best technological and scientific skills and the economic and productive world, enhancing young entrepreneurial realities that want to take on the challenge of technological innovation. Their abilities must be supported and encouraged and Acn plays the role of instigator of energy. We aim – he added – to give a more future to Italian technological innovation with the aim of pursuing the country’s strategic autonomy”.

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The 5 incubators identified – after a public notice procedure – are I3P, Scientifica Spa, Lventure Group, Nana Bianca and Cdp Venture Capital Sgr spa. They will support innovative start-ups through validation and development projects. The Agency’s contributions to support companies will be paid in compliance with the regulations on state aid. The start-ups selected from the operators’ programs and recipients of the contributions will become part of the national innovation network. The fields to be developed are data science, robotics, blockchain, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, quantum computing, cryptography. “The strength of the Italian SME system has always been to innovate,” Urso recalled. We must do more, bringing together businesses and public administration.” The company, Bernini said for his part, “must be protected and put online. We must spread knowledge while protecting the products of ingenuity.”


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