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Cesena-breaking latest news: Welcome back seahorse | Sports People

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Cesena-breaking latest news: Welcome back seahorse |  Sports People

The eve of the match between Cesena and breaking latest news starts from far away. Before Torres’ defeat in Gubbio on Thursday evening, and therefore the concrete possibility of celebrating the mathematical promotion to Serie B, the remaining tickets of the Sea Curve they had already been pulverized within a few hours. The incentive perhaps only served the most skeptical or recalcitrant to bring the total to the final 15,547 spectators. Over 12,000 had already been seen against Rimini and 14,000 against Torres, so the grand total probably wouldn’t have changed much.

The eve of Cesena-breaking latest news starts even earlier, from the shot with which Lepore del Lecco decides the semi-final of the playoffs on penalties, trampling on the Juventus dream of returning to Serie B, forcing another long year of purgatory. If we want to be completely precise, this eve goes back in time to 16 July 2018. When AC Cesena, after the sporting failure of the last season in the second division (concluded with twenty-second place and an announced relegation, also the result of a heavy penalty of fifteen points), was followed by an even more stinging economic failure, erasing a sporting legacy that began in 1940 and which had never known such disgrace. Taking back that ill-gotten gains, closing the circle of that curse, returning to Serie B is in this sense not a goal but a starting point. Starting again, exactly where we had disastrously fallen from.

Even a chronic procrastinator like me moves ahead of time towards the “Manuzzi”, where the flow of people, cars and vehicles of all sorts is already noticeable well in advance. A more present and heavy order service than usual accentuates the difficulties of movement. The entrance to the parking lot of the adjacent shopping center is also closed on the side facing the guest sector. Evidently in order to limit intersections, locals are diverted to go around the goose to look for a parking space in the area. According to official box office data, 491 people from breaking latest news are expected and that they are already on site, eager to compete with the people across the street and far from intending to act as extras, as can be understood from the noise of paper bombs shaking the air, before the guest sector even sees them officially appear.

Inside there is immediately a remarkable glance, the Sea Curve it appears almost completely full when the margin separating it from kick-off is wide. Presences are still limited in the opposing sector, while the stands and stands are filling up more slowly but surely. The latter is the sector where the banner “That shirt you are wearing is my childhood dream” stands out, a prelude to a choreography that will greet the entry of the teams onto the field: six curve covers reproducing the same number of Cesena shirts, bearing the numbers and names of some great protagonists of this team, all coming from the Romagna academy: David, Pieraccini, Francesconi, Berti, Giovannini and Shpendi. It’s not just a fairy tale because that’s just right for bulimic storytelling these days. It is rather a consolidated tradition of this land, born of the passion for this sport, of the competence of those who in small places like Cesena have understood that the only way to play at the table of adults is by focusing on their own little ones. When someone in the recent past tried to gamble with everything he had and give in to the pretensions of greatness, he began to dig the hole that led to failure. Sebastiano Rossi, Lorenzo Minotti, Massimo Agostini, Ruggiero Rizzitelli, Adriano Piraccini, Alessandro Bianchi, Massimo Ambrosini and so many more names that have passed through the Juventus youth teams, that by putting them together we could create a squad hypothetically capable of competing for Europe, where among other things, Cesena had already played in 1976-77, going out in the first round against Sparwasser’s Magdeburg.

Taking a step back, it is necessary to say a few more words on the choreography of the clubs, certainly not transcendental but not negligible if you want to put it into context. There are very few stadiums where it is possible to see something like this, not organized and staged directly by the ultras, and where this happens, it also shows the extent of faith and passion for one’s team on the territory. I repeat, we are not talking about ultras but they still deserve hats off for their initiative, effort and success, as well as for the beautiful meaning.

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However, the impetuous entry onto the scene of the people from breaking latest news who descend compactly from above is of notable impact. Provoking the locals not only with unmistakable gestures but also with a rain of paper bombs and torches flying towards the camp. Attracting the whistles and the first chants against, lovingly reciprocated. Not that it was needed, but the arrival of the guests adds even more momentum to a match already full of ideas.

The Sea Curve, as well as being full, is particularly charged: the first choirs that rise from his side are powerful as they have only been heard on the best days. Among the first tunes sung, there are those to thank Brescia and Stuttgart, present today at their side. The absence of the banner is striking Viking in the center of the lower part of the curve. Even more striking is “Romagna capital”, the ritual pre-match chorus that calls and gathers those present in a more beautiful and dense scarf than usual.

In an ultras world that is increasingly inclined to trade tradition for exogenous fashions (and it is also true that fashions that consolidate become, over time and in turn, tradition…), the peculiarity of the Cesena people is precisely that of remaining strongly anchored to own roots. After the beautiful scarf, when the teams finally enter the field, the heart of the Cesena fans is colored with a full-bodied black and white smoke bomb, just to stay in the tradition. Nothing sensational compared to what the great occasion might have led us to expect, yet a show that in its simplicity is always very beautiful and successful. Made even more evocative by the inevitable carpet of flags, banners and two poles that have always been seen throughout the season, at home and away.

When the referee starts the hostilities, the dispute between the ultras immediately emits sparks, with the breaking latest news players truly very convincing and constant in this first phase. Cesenati perhaps a little more discontinuous but clearly, when they start, they crush their opponents. With their numerical power but above all thanks to the participation which today is truly widespread. The hard core on the upper floor is much thicker than usual but the contribution of the lower part is even more involved and vast, following more than usual the choruses and handclaps that start from above. If some choirs like the one to the tune of “Easy lady” from Spain do not seem to pay particularly well (introduced recently, it does not catch on and the fruits of this attempt at “catechization” may perhaps be seen in the future…), more profitable are old-fashioned choirs date or those repeated, among which the most successful is “Come on Cesena take us away…”.

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A first half of the highest level ends with the Romagna players who, without overdoing it, always remain well above the cruising speed with which they conducted this season, thanks to the active general collaboration of those present. The breaking latest news team, on the other hand, after a sensational half hour, settled down to more human levels, completing a truly excellent first half. Especially if we consider the ongoing protest against president Sebastiani and yet another mediocre championship, for several days now without any other objectives, other than hanging on to the tenuous thread of hope that the twisted playoff formula can guarantee.

If in the second half the Cesena team started at a slow pace, the guests struggled more than necessary to get back into motion. Perhaps because they had given so much previously or perhaps because more than one person was slow in trying to rehydrate their uvula. Therefore the events on the pitch, where the initial balance still reigns, are responsible for restoring fuel to the enthusiasm. First of the hosts, who string together a “Bianconeri alé” and then a “Fino alla fine forza Cesena” resulting from a couple of dangerous incursions, which however produce nothing more than three corner kicks.

However, breaking latest news is then in serious risk of taking the lead in the fifty-second minute: the deflection on a shot by Accornero surprises Pisseri, leaves the whole stadium in suspense but goes out for a corner. The blue and white sortie simultaneously influences the return of the flame of its fans who, a few minutes later, score a nice “Score for us, we want to win”. However, this second fraction of the Adriatic ultras is clearly in decline, as they rely on a series of offensive chants to find further fuel, which gives rise to a very spicy exchange of skirmishes between the two sides. Along the same lines, a few minutes later the chants against patron Sebastiani bring the ranks together. It is one of the last gasps, after which they slowly decline towards the ninetieth, closing the circle of more than enough seconds forty-five minutes. Which follow the first turns of the clock in which they have fully expressed all their potential, i.e. that of a fan base which – just like the home fans – would hands down at least Serie B, if not even return to openly challenge the greats of our football. Seeing her cheering, the sensation of being in the presence of a proud, combative and mangy square like few others is palpable. Moreover, it is not just these ninety minutes that tell the story, but its entire historical journey. And history doesn’t lie and sooner or later it comes back to square the accounts and give everyone back their own dimension. Or at least that’s what lovers of that football hope for in which, in addition to the vile money and the games of investment funds, even the passion of cheering contributes to the sporting rise of their clubs.

The path is more linear WSB and members in the ongoing competition, which always sees the maximum commitment of the central part, but also a lesser contribution from the rest of the sector. The tension for the result on the pitch affects so much that it doesn’t come off. It wouldn’t change much, at most it would be a matter of patiently waiting another day for a fate that is now incontrovertible. However, it would be a shame for a stadium dressed in gala attire. At this juncture, you can see a banner for those who have been warned of a ban signed with the symbol of Bellaria Youth, while I am very struck, in two different circumstances, by the choice of the Cesena players to resume choirs sung shortly before by their rivals. Maybe to demonstrate that you know them and can sing them louder? I couldn’t say for sure, while Toscano’s team seems to harbor more than one certainty on the pitch. In the last twenty minutes, driven more by stubbornness than by logic, as well as by a public that never stops believing in it, she gradually forces breaking latest news to give up ground. It is in the eighty-seventh minute that belief breaks through the wall built by the Abruzzo team led on the bench by the former Cascione. Providence wears the shirt of Pierozzi who, having taken over about ten minutes earlier, heads a free-kick cross from Donnarumma into the net. The scream from the stadium is liberating and bombastic. Gives goosebumps.

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The support that had grown hand in hand with Cesena’s final effort, became moving in the final minutes, reaching thrilling moments. The last four minutes of injury time are just the antechamber of a celebration that becomes apotheosis at the final whistle, before spilling out into the streets not only of the city but of many other centers in Romagna. The ritual of “Romagna mia” sung in unison by the team and fans, if possible, is more beautiful than ever. Even the Romagna night seems to be the same one sung by Casadei, one of those that sees the white of the stars shine in the black of the sky. Finally now the sun can shine again. Welcome back!

Matteo Falcone

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