Home » Man in his 50s found dead in Våler – woman charged with murder – NRK Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Man in his 50s found dead in Våler – woman charged with murder – NRK Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

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Man in his 50s found dead in Våler – woman charged with murder – NRK Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The woman’s defender, Frode Aabak, reports this to NRK this evening.

– Yes, I can confirm that she pleads guilty to the charge, i.e. for murder, says Aabak.

The woman has been questioned by the police since 14:00 on Sunday and until 21:00 this evening.

– It has been a long day with a relatively long interrogation. She is very affected by the incident and in a desperate situation, I can say that, says the defender.

He also says that the woman accused of murder will consent to detention.

The defender will not go into what the woman has explained in questioning about what happened.

Crisis staff

Våler municipality in Innlandet has set up a crisis team after a man was found dead at Braskereidfoss in Våler on the night of Sunday.

A woman in her 50s has been arrested and charged with the murder. She will be questioned on Sunday afternoon.

The small settlement in Våler has only 257 inhabitants.

– We think this is terribly sad. We are affected, everyone who is familiar with the matter. It is a sad day for us.

This is what mayor Harry Vinje (H) says to NRK.

He believes that it is a strength that the municipality is so small, because then you take care of each other.

Mayor Harry Vinje asks the residents of the municipality to stick together and not contribute to the spread of rumours.

Photo: Frode Meskau / NRK

At the same time, the mayor says that this can also quickly lead to the spread of rumours, which he urges people to avoid.

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– That is my strongest message, that we stand together. We are a small village, so standing together and showing care is the most important thing, he says.

Arrested a short time later

It was 00:07 on Sunday night when the police received a report of a violent incident in Våler.

When the police arrived at the scene, they found a man seriously injured inside a residence. Attempts were made to revive him, but the man was pronounced dead a short time later.

A woman in her 50s was arrested a short time later. She did not live in the house where the murder took place and was arrested at her own home, a few kilometers away.

– The arrest took place without drama, says police attorney Vibeke Stolp Ekeland.

Police prosecutor in the Innlandet police district, Vibeke Stolp Ekeland says they have formed a picture of what has happened.

Photo: Frode Meskau / NRK

The woman will be produced for remand on Monday. The prosecution will ask that she be imprisoned for four weeks, two of which in solitary confinement.

It is now clear that she will consent to imprisonment, says her defender.

The police will not say anything about the cause of death for the time being, because they do not want it to affect any witnesses.

The man’s relatives have been notified.

The police found an object in the home that is linked to the crime.

Photo: Frode Meskau / NRK

The roommate was a witness

The man’s partner was in the house when the murder happened, and is being questioned as a witness. This is confirmed by police attorney Vibeke Stolp Ekeland to NRK.

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It was not the roommate who notified the police, but an acquaintance of the accused woman, states the police attorney. The person who notified was not present where the murder occurred.

The accused woman is not related to the murdered man.

– It is early in the investigation, but we have an overview that indicates that there has been a relationship that is not familial, but an acquaintance between the two involved, says police inspector Henning Klauseie.

Police inspector Henning Klauseie at the Innlandet police district says that a woman in her 50s is charged with the murder.

Photo: Anne Kari Løberg / NRK

Both the victim and the accused are known to the police from before, but not in cases as serious as this one.

The man was found murdered in the small town of Braskereidfoss in Innlandet.

Have confiscated items

The woman accused of murder was arrested by the police in her home a few kilometers away, shortly after the man was found.

The police have so far little information about the background to what has happened. Klauseie says that questioning will be carried out with several people involved on Sunday and Monday.

A woman was quickly arrested in another residence after the murder.

Photo: Frode Meskau / NRK

The police have seized a mobile phone and objects that can be directly linked to the murder. But they won’t say if this is a weapon or what kind of objects it is.

People are in shock

Braskereidfoss is a small settlement in Våler municipality with 257 inhabitants. A source NRK has been in contact with says that the case affects everyone.

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– People are shocked, says the person who lives not far from where the man was found dead.

Published 07/04/2024, at 06.17 Updated 07.04.2024, at 22.13

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