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Loved, elected, scolded – former Chancellor Schröder celebrates his 80th birthday | > – News

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Loved, elected, scolded – former Chancellor Schröder celebrates his 80th birthday |  > – News

As of: April 7, 2024 7:27 p.m

He is one of the most controversial politicians in Germany: Gerhard Schröder celebrated his 80th birthday on Sunday. For some, the former chancellor is the man who made history and for others, he is persona non grata.

by Mandy Sarti

If you dial the number of an SPD member of the Bundestag these days to talk about Gerhard Schröder, there will be silence on the other end of the line. “His time is up, we want to look forward,” it says. Many Social Democrats seem happy when they are not asked about the former Chancellor. Especially the younger ones. Not only does Gerhard Schröder polarize, Gerhard Schröder is the Achilles heel for some in the SPD.

Criticism of the SPD’s actions

His attitude towards Russian President and warmonger Vladimir Putin and the lack of distance ensured that individual SPD local groups wanted to throw Schröder out of the party. Without success. “I think it’s completely wrong that the SPD wants to exclude Gerhard Schröder,” says Herbert Schmalstieg, former mayor of Hanover and long-time companion of the former chancellor. Schmalstieg praises Schröder highly. He is a gifted politician and made history as German Chancellor. “Nobody knows what our country would look like without him.” Schmalstieg therefore worked to ensure that the former Chancellor could be honored on his 60th party anniversary. A small celebration with water and apple juice. More than his local association actually wanted to allow him – they had the intention of canceling the festival entirely.

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“Once a friend always remains a friend”

Goetz von Fromberg, who shared a law firm with Schröder and “accompanied him through difficult life situations,” as he says, also has kind words for what Schröder achieved: “He was a good chancellor.” He could not comment on Schröder’s current attitude; the two have hardly had any contact since 2010. “But,” says von Fromberg, “once a friend always remains a friend.”

Schröder isolated in the party

The “no” to the Iraq war and the agenda politics have long earned Schröder great respect. Schröder, the man from a humble background who was the Juso chairman, Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, became Chancellor in 1998 and then SPD leader in 1999, grew up in his SPD – and remained connected to the party, even when he was on the sidelines. Today’s SPD leader Lars Klingbeil and Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD), like many party friends, have distanced themselves. The former chancellor is largely alone in the party, they say.

Gerhard Schröder retains positions at Gazprom

Schröder sees it differently: “I don’t feel isolated,” he says in the NDR documentary “Out of service?” to understand. The SPD should deal with current politics and not with him as a person. He was accompanied for half a year for the documentation – from the golf course in Hanover to China. Schröder is convinced: “Based on my subjective opinion have to endure a lot of injustice.” From the SPD politician’s point of view, this also includes his work for the Russian company Gazprom. “I did what I thought was sensible, namely to make a contribution to a truly secure and affordable supply of this very important raw material Gas.” He still holds the office today. Even Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) cannot understand this decision.

AUDIO: Political journalist about Gerhard Schröder: “He is an instinctive politician” (10 min)

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Schröder has no distance from Russian President Putin

The connection to Putin is incomprehensible for many. Schröder says he publicly rejected the war, but no one wants to know that. But nothing has changed in his friendship with Putin. In March 2022 he traveled to Russia on behalf of Ukraine and negotiated an end to the war there. This was not agreed upon with German politicians. Schröder says in the NDR documentary: “Since I knew that I could reach the Russian president at any time, I assumed that he would be willing to talk. Because he also trusts me.” However, apart from a lot of criticism, this brought little.

Does the SPD have to tolerate different positions?

Top politicians from Lower Saxony whisper behind closed doors: “Anyone who wallows in the dirt with pigs will ultimately be dirty themselves.” One is glad not to have spoken to the “idiosyncratic former chancellor” for a while. The SPD member of the Bundestag Matthias Miersch was conciliatory at Schröder’s 60th party anniversary: ​​”Enduring different constitutional positions and the search for compromises is a basic requirement in a democratic society.” Others see it differently. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) announced in the “Bild-Zeitung” that he no longer wanted to congratulate the former Chancellor on his birthday.

No official 80th birthday reception

Schröder will celebrate his big birthday this year differently than he did ten years ago: Instead of an official reception, there will be a private party in Berlin on April 27th with close friends and old companions. His wife So-yeon invited Schröder-Kim. “There is no reason to turn my 80th birthday into a political event,” says the former Chancellor. At least on this point, many party friends are likely to agree with him.

Further information

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He made it from the poorest of circumstances to become Chancellor. Gerhard Schröder was born on April 7, 1944. more

Hanover’s city council wanted to strip him of his title because of his proximity to the Kremlin. Ukraine is disappointed with the former chancellor. (03/16/2022) more

The former chancellor is said to have spoken to the president in Moscow. The SPD has now commented on the matter. (03/14/2022) more

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Hello Lower Saxony | April 7, 2024 | 19:30 o’clock

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