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“There were two of them, dressed in dark clothes. She was beautiful but in pain”

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“There were two of them, dressed in dark clothes. She was beautiful but in pain”

09 April 202408:03

The body found in a former ruined church in Equilivaz: “They were looking for a supermarket, they looked like two vampires”. The boy is wanted. Autopsy: the wounds that caused death due to hemorrhage caused by a knife

There’s a witness in the story of girl found dead on Friday 5 April in a former ruined church in the La Salle mountains, in the Aosta Valley. As reported The printa local person said he had seen, three days before the discovery of the body, the young girl with a boy, now wanted, who spoke Italian but is probably not Italian. The two were looking for a supermarket to do some shopping: “They were dressed in dark clothes, it seemed two dark ones, two vampires“. As confirmed by the autopsy, death occurred due to haemorrhage caused by blows inflicted with a knife.

The results of the autopsy Meanwhile, the first data is starting to arrive, starting from the autopsy, conducted on the young woman’s body by the medical examiner Roberto Testi, who delivered a partial preliminary report to the Aosta prosecutor’s office: the wounds that caused her death were caused by a knife due to the girl’s hemorrhage. And most likely the stab wounds were inflicted by another person, an aspect which would exclude the hypothesis of suicide, initially taken into consideration together with murder. The death could date back to the period between the end of March and the first days of April: it is difficult to indicate the exact date, given that the relatively low temperatures of those days preserved the body well.

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“She is very beautiful but emaciated and suffering” The victim had various wounds to his abdomen and also a deep cut in his neck: no documents to identify him, not even his phone. From the signs found it would seem that her body was transported inside the former chapel. The witness, interviewed by
The print, has already told the police everything and described her as “very beautiful but emaciated, suffering” and him “with black curls and an olive complexion”. He says he saw them on the morning of April 2nd. The boy is wanted but it is not known whether he is still alive.

“Dressed like two goths” The witness does not mention a van, as some news reports had reported. The two boys asked him for directions to the bus stop, they said they had arrived from the Swiss border and were looking for a supermarket to do some shopping and then go camping in the mountains, even though they were not dressed like hikers at all, but rather “like two dark men: they looked like those who cut themselves and injure themselves, they seemed to me to be suffering”, he said.

He is much younger than her The witness also reported that the boy seemed much younger than the girl, that only he spoke and that he had a gentle tone. “And it wasn’t just me who saw them that day, a person I know also saw them on the way back: when they got off the bus right at the path that leads to the church. They had shopping bags”, he said again. From the police photo he recognized the girl found dead. Shopping bags, food remains and pink marshmallows were found around her body.

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Searching for images The investigators continue the search for the boy and are carrying out investigations (they have also asked to view the images of the security cameras of the supermarket where the two had done their shopping) to clarify what happened.

Photogallery – Aosta, woman found dead in a former church: investigation for murder

Daily News


He had stab wounds on his body in the woods of La Salle

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