Home » Do you sleep with the dog? Here’s what can happen – Scientific news.it

Do you sleep with the dog? Here’s what can happen – Scientific news.it

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Do you sleep with the dog?  Here’s what can happen – Scientific news.it

A recent study published in Scientific Reports[1] by Brian N. Chin and his team at Trinity College (and also reported, among other places, in The Conversation[2]) highlights an often overlooked aspect of sleep quality: the impact of sleeping in the same room as our pets.


The team’s research, which involved more than 1,500 American adults, reveals a significant finding: Those who share their sleeping space with pets, particularly dogs, may have lower sleep quality than those who don’t. Surprisingly, despite the evidence, as many as 93% of pet co-sleepers believe their furry friends don’t negatively affect their sleep, indicating a potential blind spot in our understanding of sleep hygiene.

Pets: a double-edged sword for mental health and sleep

Pets are widely recognized for their positive effects on mental health, providing companionship and promoting physical activity. However, Chin’s research indicates that this positive impact may be partially offset by negative effects on sleep quality. Although pets provide comfort and emotional support, their presence in the bedroom may cause disturbances due to noise, movement or heat.

The gap in our understanding of sleep and pets

While the study suggests a correlation between sleeping with pets and poor sleep quality, it does not definitively prove causation. It also didn’t take into account whether participants also slept with human partners or children, which could further influence sleep quality. This highlights the complexity of sleep studies and the need for further research to distinguish the effects of pets from other factors.

Recommendations for pet owners

For pet owners who aren’t ready to banish their pets from the bedroom, the study suggests several strategies to improve sleep quality, such as investing in a larger mattress and maintaining a consistent bedtime routine for pets . The findings highlight the need for continued research to understand how pet owners can balance the benefits of animal companionship with the need for quality sleep.

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Notes and insights

Co-sleeping with pets, stress, and sleep in a nationally-representative sample of United States adults | Scientific Reports (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-56055-9)Could sharing a bedroom with your pets be keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep?

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