Home » Gallery: Marienholm’s first houses became the cornerstone

Gallery: Marienholm’s first houses became the cornerstone

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Gallery: Marienholm’s first houses became the cornerstone

Photo: Malle-Liisa Raigla

3 images displayed, 40 images in the gallery

On Thursday, the cornerstone was laid for the first apartment building in Marienholm, which, according to the developer, shows that the plan to fix the peninsula, which seemed unbelievable, is moving towards implementation.

“Today is a celebration day for believers,” said Maido Lüiste, CEO of Scandium Kinnisvara, the developer of the peninsula. According to him, there were few who believed that construction would actually begin and that the peninsula, which had been closed to the public for more than half a century, would come to life. “It has seemed like a crazy project from the beginning, even for me,” said Lüiste.

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