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Don’t feel like exercising? 9 tips that really help

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Don’t feel like exercising?  9 tips that really help

Many people first associate sport with something negative – it is tiring, time-consuming, intense. It was actually supposed to be fun. But how do I motivate myself to exercise? In this article, our fitness editor will tell you how to develop the right mindset.

“I HAVE to go to the gym later…” – how many times have I heard this sentence? People often only see exercise as a compulsion and, above all, as a means to an end in order to lose weight. Fun and initiative? None. Sport should be a hobby after all, after all we spend our free time doing it. So that you can do this successfully and you can’t wait to start exercising, I’ll give you my top tips that motivate me every day.

How can you increase motivation for sports? 9 tips that really help

You want to get active, but are wondering: How do you motivate yourself for fitness and sport? I first had to try out a few things to find my passions. I now go to the gym six times a week and look forward to every single day, even though there are days when I have to push myself. Here are my tips.

1. Find your sport

Do you go to the gym because everyone goes to the gym? This is the wrong approach. If you ask yourself the question: “How do I motivate myself to exercise?”, then the answer is: Find your sport. Try out different things and discover your passion. You will notice that you are then self-motivated.

Sometimes it can also help to look for a new challenge after a long time to stay motivated. I’ve been doing strength training in the gym for years and still love it, but I just needed something new. Hyrox and pole dancing now offer me the perfect variety.

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2. Establish your “why.”

In order to stay motivated, it is very important to have a goal in mind. Here again the question arises: Do you go to the gym because everyone does it and because it is supposed to be good for the body? It’s better to set specific goals: I want to lose five kilos, I want to be able to walk for 30 minutes at a time, I want to fit into my size 38 pants again.

3. Create a workout playlist

What helps me personally a lot in terms of the necessary motivation is the right music. Even before I drive to exercise, I listen to the songs from it and get in the mood for training. Of course, it’s important to have songs in it that you enjoy listening to and that motivate you. So create your playlist and listen to it at home when you plan to exercise.

4. Take small steps

The fact that I now go to sports six times a week is the result of years of experience. I used to exercise once or twice a week myself and I would advise you to do the same. First, develop your routines and find your passion. If you are motivated and enjoy doing sports, the rest will follow automatically and you will want to go there more often.

5. Find a workout partner

I now enjoy training alone, but especially at the beginning it can be motivating to exercise with a training partner. They support each other, push each other and motivate each other if one of them doesn’t feel like it.

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6. Develop routines

One of my most important learnings is routines. Humans are creatures of habit and their daily routines are all just a matter of habit – just like brushing your teeth, dressing or eating every day. For example, you can’t get yourself to exercise after work? Take your sports bag with you straight to work and drive there from there. Then you automatically combine the way home with exercise. Another routine could be, for example, doing ten minutes of yoga before bed. Then develop a routine: brush your teeth, put on comfortable clothes, do yoga, sleep.

7. Find a personal trainer

Do you still have little experience and are you looking for professional support? Personal trainers can help achieve your goals and maintain motivation. You can find personal trainers in many fitness studios, but also digitally in the form of online coaching, for example via social media.

8. Wear proper exercise clothing

Don’t you feel comfortable in your outfit? No wonder you don’t feel like exercising. The right outfit is therefore particularly important. Wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and allows you to move easily at the same time. There shouldn’t be anything constricting, oppressive or unflattering so that you have to fidget with yourself the whole time.

9. Document your progress

Motivation is maintained by success and success can only be measured if you document it. That’s why it’s so important to set goals at the beginning so that you know when you have achieved them and thus achieved success. You will find that this is the biggest motivational boost ever.

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What types of sports motivation are there?

How do I motivate myself to exercise? Basically, two types of sports motivation can be distinguished.

Intrinsic motivation : Here, the motivation for exercise comes largely from within and you motivate yourself through the health and well-being benefits.
Extrinsische Motivation : Here the motivation for exercise comes largely from outside and you need more support and inspiration. They compare themselves more and motivate themselves through competition with others.

How can I motivate myself to exercise at home?

Those who want to do sports at home often cannot find the motivation they need. My tip: Put on sports clothes straight away – whether when you get up in the morning or when you get home from work. So the first step has been taken and every time you look in the mirror you will be reminded that you still wanted to do something. You should also tie the sport to fixed routines, as I already explained in point 6.

How can I motivate myself in the long term?

Before you ask yourself how you can motivate yourself in the long term, you should first address the general question: How do I motivate myself to exercise? Try to integrate the tips mentioned above into your everyday life and you will notice that motivation comes naturally. Once you get your routines in place and find your passion in exercise, you will stay motivated in the long term. After breaks from sports or setbacks, simply refer to the tips again.

By Laura Carstens

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