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Friday Hadith: ((When fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them))

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Friday Hadith: ((When fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them))

Muhammad Shirky

It is known that God Almighty has made lessons and sermons for His faithful servants, including the news he related to them related to previous nations, and made them models that will be repeated in every era and Egypt until the Hour comes, but in different forms, and in different conditions and circumstances, but they do not deviate from the framework of those that govern those models. It was originally established for the sake of consideration and exhortation, and it is governed by the same controls, because the final message applies its rulings to all ages and in all countries until the end of the world because it is a universal message.

Among what God Almighty related in His decisive revelation is the story of the Children of Israel after Moses, peace be upon him, when they were weakened during the period of what they call the Age of Judges by their enemies. They saw that the reason for their weakness was the presence of kings with their enemies, and they had no kings, and for this reason they asked a prophet of theirs to send them a king. They gather around him and gather their ranks to fight their enemies. Their Prophet warned them against retreating from this fight if God Almighty decreed it for them, but they insisted on it, and what their Prophet warned them about happened, as most of them refrained from fighting except for a small group that was patient and sought reward. The story of these people is explained in the words of God Almighty:

((Have you not seen the leaders of the children of Israel after Moses, when they said to a prophet of theirs, “Appoint for us a king that we may fight in the way of God?” He said, “Would it be that if fighting was prescribed for you, you would not fight?” They said, “Why should we not fight in the way of God, when we have been expelled from our homes and our children?” So when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away. A few of them, and God is All-Knowing of the wrongdoers.) This noble verse from Surat Al-Baqarah, even if it is related to the news of the leaders of the Children of Israel, deals with a situation that may be repeated throughout the ages and in Egypt until the Day of Judgment, when a group of believers will suffer persecution and leave their homes and be forcibly separated from their children due to the tyranny and arrogance of the enemies of their religion. It has been stated in the books of interpretation that the purpose of mentioning this story related to the leaders of the Children of Israel is to urge the believers at the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to fight the infidels of Quraysh who expelled them from their homes unjustly and aggressively because of their clinging to faith in their Lord, the Almighty. The lesson is not regarding the reason for the revelation of this verse that narrates the story of the Children of Israel with their Prophet, but rather the lesson is in the generality of its wording, and in the intent of its narration because the similarities or common denominator between that Israeli assembly and those believers in Mecca is that they all suffered the same persecution and the same injustice. The persecution and injustice of the believers by the enemies of their religion will not stop until the Hour comes. This means that the story of the Israeli mob will inevitably be repeated. It was repeated in the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and as it was repeated in many times after him. It is happening today in our time in the land of Palestine, and it will happen tomorrow. In others until the end of the period of tribulation and testing of humanity in this worldly life, for which God Almighty has made a known end, after which humanity will move to another life that God Almighty has made a life of reward after the tribulation of this world.

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The occasion of this Friday’s talk was dictated by the circumstance that the believers are going through in the land of the Night Journey and Mi’raj, and they were expelled from their land that was forcibly stolen from them, as modern history attests to, as the hateful British Crusader occupation empowered a fragment of the Zionists in the land of Palestine, expelling its people from it in what is known as the Nakba decades ago. It passed, and many of them are still living in the diaspora, and those who remain there are subjected to terrible torture by the Zionists, killing, displacing, confiscating and destroying their homes and fields, and all their property and capabilities…

The motive for editing this hadith is to focus on a segment of the believers, or let us say, those affiliated with the faith in all Islamic countries, who deny that the group of believers stationed in the Gaza Strip is waging a fight against the aggressing Zionists who besieged them for a long time and blocked all the outlets leading to them, the thing that carried them. To rise up and move to lift this unjust siege imposed on them by storming what is called the Gaza enclave, which is occupied land in which the Zionists established settlements in which they housed displaced Jews from various parts of the world, where they lived for long historical periods.

That incursion, which was called the Al-Aqsa Flood, was a fight to break the isolation from the Gaza Strip, and to repel the Zionists from their malicious ambitions in the Holy Place, most notably targeting the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was threatened with being blown up and destroyed in order to establish what the Zionists call the Temple of Solomon.

If we compare the situation of the Almoravids in the Gaza Strip today with what was mentioned in the story of the Israeli mullahs, we find it similar to the small group of believers that waged war with King Taloot against the tyrant Goliath, versus a group from a broad segment that tries to discourage those Almoravids, and describes them as reckless, knowing that they always expressed About her desire to recover what was lost from the lands of Islam in the land of Palestine, and what was lost from her sanctities, and her statement and her article also were what God Almighty told on the lips of the Israeli public who were persecuted by the tyrannical king Goliath before he decreed that they should fight. The tyrannical Zionist clique today in the land of Palestine is nothing but a duplicate of the oppressive Goliath clique, and the group that discourages the Almoravids today in the Gaza Strip and throughout Palestine is nothing but a duplicate of the one that said ((We have no power today with Goliath and his soldiers )), and this group is found throughout Islamic countries, east and west, and it promotes this discouragement through the media and social media day and night. What is unfortunate is that some of those who are believed to be knowledgeable and preaching contribute to spreading this discouragement in one way or another to please their rulers who have failed the Palestinian cause. Among these people who are believed to be knowledgeable are those who remain silent with the silence of mute devils. Before the Al-Aqsa flood, they were filling the world with noise and crying over the land of Palestine. And its sanctities, so when the time came to defend it, they remained silent as silence was not appropriate, and they turned to other conversations, and failed to simply support the mujahideen in Palestine with their tongues, while they were in the position of role models. The group that is stationed today under the Gaza tunnels, and goes out to fight back and forth, and inflicts on the Zionists heavy losses in their soldiers and equipment with the least equipment when compared to the arsenal of the Zionist enemy, is nothing but a duplicate of that group about which God Almighty said: ((Those who think that they will meet God say, “How many small groups have defeated a large group, God willing, and God is with the patient.”)) .

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It is known that God Almighty has destroyed by flooding Al-Aqsa everyone who was lamenting the loss of the land of Palestine and denouncing the Zionists’ occupation of it. The hour of victory for those stationed above it has come, and there is neither a helper nor a helper. Rather, more than that, the oppressors croak by criticizing them even though they are not offering them anything, but rather By doing so, they serve the Zionist enemy, and want to tip the balance in favor of it in the fighting. This weak position on their part belies the regret and regret they claimed over the loss of Palestine and its sanctities.

Finally, we point out that God Almighty did not include in His wise mention the story of the Israeli assembly for entertainment, but rather as a lesson, and for contemplation. Are there those who consider it, and who ponder? We have all reviewed this story during the month of fasting, but we went through it in a mean manner, and among us there are those who still insist and cling. By discouraging the mujahideen stationed in the sector and elsewhere in all shamelessness, and without shame, it would have been better for him to at least remain silent, and he was destined to support their fight with everything he could, and with everything he could, but he did not do so deliberately, and with premeditation, and he is the one who always asks God Almighty. To gather him with the prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the righteous, and he may go far, asking him not to deprive him of martyrdom in his path, just as he asks for the fleeting offer of this world to which he clings as much as he clings. And when the time of trial came, he began repeating the saying of the Israeli clerics, whose stories God Almighty told for a lesson, not for entertainment, Otzge time.

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O God, we disavow You of all who wronged Your faithful servants stationed in Your path in the land of the Night Journey and Mi’raj, and of all who failed them and failed to support them and feed them while they were starving under a terrible siege, and their children, women, infirm, sick, and wounded were not protected from killing and displacement. And torture in all its brutal and Nazi forms and methods.

O God, grant them victory with Your promised victory that You promised to the small, patient group of believers facing the large, infidel, oppressive group at all times and in every place, and You made that a destiny and a passing year in Your creation until the Day of Resurrection.

Praise be to God for the good deeds that are accomplished by His grace. May God’s blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and all his family and companions.

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