Home » Over 250 thousand euros in contributions for projects and sporting events in the area

Over 250 thousand euros in contributions for projects and sporting events in the area

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SPORT – Participation in the two calls for associations and committees has been extended to 28 April 2024

>>UPDATE April 12, 2024 – The application deadline has been extended to 28 April 2024 of the two notices to request non-repayable contributions to support Sports Projects and Events.
Info and details on the Ferarra Municipality website page at the link www.comune.fe.it/it/b/53652/contributi-allo-sport-2024-2.

From Cronacacomune of 15 March 2024
Two calls for tenders in total 251,500 euros of non-repayable contributions to sports associations of the territory. They are launched by the Municipality of Ferrara from tomorrow, 16 March 2024, the terms will open for online submission of contribution requests to be forwarded by April 14, 2024.

The first call provides for the assignment of contributions to local sports associations in support of projects realized or to be realized in the year 2024, with a total financial endowment of 160 thousand euro. While the second provides for the granting of contributions to associations or committees they organize demonstrations sports in the territory of the city of Ferrara, built or to be built in 2024 with an overall budget available to 91.500 euro.

There is the possibility of participating in both calls by submitting a specific application for the projects and another for the events. No more than one application may be submitted for each notice.

“With these public notices – he says the municipal councilor for Sport Andrea Maggi – we intend to guarantee maximum transparency and equal opportunities for access to economic resources that the municipal administration makes available to sports associations and clubs to carry out projects, activities, demonstrations and events that involve everyone in the name of sport, well-being and correct styles of life. We want to offer concrete support to initiatives that will bring a significant benefit to the city in terms of participation and promotion of sport, with particular attention to sports events and projects open to young people, the most vulnerable groups, disabled people and the elderly, in so as to encourage paths of social integration/inclusion, also through the use of public space and with a sustainable environmental impact”.

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The objectives of the tenders are to increase sporting opportunities and opportunities for younger people; promote the elderly population’s access to active life; promote sport as a tool to promote people’s well-being through aggregation, integration and social inclusion actions; offer support for the creation and promotion of events that correspond to interests consistent with the Institution’s institutional aims and the specific objectives defined in the sector planning documents, in compliance with the principle of subsidiarity; enhance the image of the territory and influence the action of the Municipality and its objectives; and support sporting and recreational events of a local, national and international nature, organized in Ferrara and which also have relevance from a socio-cultural profile, with tourist-economic components and which involve a plurality of city categories.

Requests to participate must be submitted by accessing the Multifunctional Telematic Help Desk with SPID or CIE, by the Presidents or Legal Representatives of sports clubs/associations, sports promotion bodies (FSN) or Federations (DSA), national associations that carry out sports activities, by clicking the link “Contribution Grant 2024”.

For sporting events, the Social Promotion Associations and the organizing committees of the initiatives will also be able to submit the application.

Applicants must have SPID or CIE (Electronic Identity Card) credentials.

Per information and for digital medium (offering, by appointment onlyan orientation guide in filling out the application) you can contact the Sport Service:
telephone 0532/419169 – 338/2223771 (Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and Tuesday and Thursday from 14.30 to 16.30) – e-mail [email protected].
telephone: 0532/419161 (from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00) – e-mail: [email protected]

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To activate the SPID, the offices in charge are listed at the following link, indicating the days and times of reception:
Spid: how to obtain digital identity to access public services

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