Home » Scale, watch how you weigh yourself: if you do it like this the wrong number appears and you look fat even when you aren’t

Scale, watch how you weigh yourself: if you do it like this the wrong number appears and you look fat even when you aren’t

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Scale, watch how you weigh yourself: if you do it like this the wrong number appears and you look fat even when you aren’t

Are you sure you know how to read your weight in the right way like only a nutritionist can? By following this advice you can do it too.

The balance it is the instrument par excellence that measures the weight of a body, or rather, its mass, consequently it is what we all we commonly use to understand how many kilos we weigh as well as to understand the weight of objects.

Today we just need to stand on the scale or place the object whose weight we want to measure on it and the number of kilos will immediately appear.

Once upon a time, however, the scale had one completely different function and the way it was composed was different. She was consisting of two plates, which were supported by a bar and was used to compare the weight that two objects had, that is, to understand which of the two was the heavier. It was therefore not useful for calculating the kilos of objects or people, as is done today.

Although using the scale is a truly simple action to perform today, but you are sure you are doing it right?

Weigh yourself: a simple action but many people get it wrong

It is very simple to use a scale and above all to weigh yourself, because all you really need to do is stand on the instrument plate and wait for the measured weight to appear on the glass or on the display. It seems like that though not everyone does it right.

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For example, there are those who, by mistake, have the habit of weighing yourself every day or even several times a day, to see how many kilos he lost in the space of a few hours. It is very wrong to weigh yourself in this way, because above all by calculating your weight several times a day, we tend to calculate the weight of our body plus that of the foods or drinks consumed and not the actual weight of the body. In fact, to do well you should weigh yourself less frequently and really understand your actual weight and above all whether it has increased or decreased over time. Even I say so nutritionists.

According to experts, it makes no sense to weigh yourself so frequently

Nutritionist Giulia Biondi, as well as the founder of the Instagram page “Balanciamo”, confirms that There’s no point in weighing yourself every day and that at the same time it is useless to weigh yourself every week.

To do well in fact you should weigh yourself on an empty stomach, in the morning and therefore when you wake up and above all less frequently. In this way you can really understand how many kilos the body has lost over time and above all check whether the weight has increased or decreased over time.

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