Home » Snus: Swiss ruin their teeth with it

Snus: Swiss ruin their teeth with it

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Snus: Swiss ruin their teeth with it

Published15. April 2024, 3:16 p.m

Dentists warn: Swiss people are ruining their teeth with snus

In recent years the popularity of nicotine pouches has increased significantly. Dentists also notice this when they look into the mouths of Swiss people.


  • Snus consumption in Switzerland has increased exponentially in recent years.

  • Experts warn that many consumers know too little about the risks.

  • Reliable studies are also missing so far.

Fewer and fewer people in Switzerland smoke the classic cigarette – but the nicotine kick is still sought by many people, many of whom have switched to alternatives such as e-cigarettes in recent years.

Snus, pouches filled with tobacco or synthetic nicotine, has also become increasingly popular in Switzerland in recent years. The pouches, which have been popular in Scandinavia for decades, are placed under the lip and, unlike cigarettes, are not only odorless in most cases, but can also be consumed anywhere.

Snus consumption can have these consequences

But experts warn about the potential health risks associated with the trend. Studies suggest that snus consumption, despite its reputation as a reasonably healthy alternative to cigarettes, could cause serious health problems, including pancreatic cancer, cardiovascular disease and damage to the oral cavity.

Possible consequences include discolored teeth, gum recession, and oral leukoplakia, a change in the lining of the mouth that has the potential to develop into cancer. According to experts such as dentist Christoph Vögtlin, there are currently relatively few studies on the health consequences because the type of consumption is still relatively new.

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Consumers know too little about risks

Vögtlin emphasizes that many consumers are not sufficiently informed about the potential health risks. During dental examinations, patients are often surprised when the extent of the damage becomes visible.

Damage such as receding gums cannot really be treated except surgically. “The gums just stay where they are,” says the dentist.ArgoviaToday».

Despite the increasing awareness of the risks, snus consumption has become more widespread in recent years. Statistics show an alarming increase in consumption, especially among young people. The range of snus has also expanded, with a variety of flavors, while prevention measures remain limited.

“You have to talk to the patients about it”

In view of these developments, experts emphasize the importance of education and prevention in dentistry. Dentists should not only carefully examine their patients’ oral mucous membranes, but also inform them about the risks of snus consumption and possibly carry out biopsy examinations to identify potential precancerous lesions.

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