Home » 3+, “To Be Wild”: Fabien Rohrer, Charles Nguela, borderline experience

3+, “To Be Wild”: Fabien Rohrer, Charles Nguela, borderline experience

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3+, “To Be Wild”: Fabien Rohrer, Charles Nguela, borderline experience

– Fabien Rohrer pushes celebrities to their limits

Published: April 20, 2024, 06:57

Comedian Charles Nguela is still in good spirits. The target is the praise horns in the background.

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“Never in the shop,” says Charles Nguela into the camera. The comedian is sitting in a flower meadow in the Oberland, with the distinctive Lobhorns looming in the background. And it is precisely this that Nguela should defeat. This together with the ex-snowboard professional Fabien Rohrer in the first episode of “To Be Wild”, the new outdoor show on the Swiss private broadcaster 3+.

The first broadcast was on Friday, April 19th at 8:15 p.m. The concept of the show: Rohrer invites various Swiss personalities to the Bernese Oberland. “I not only want to show you the most beautiful places in my homeland, but I also want to surprise you,” explains Rohrer himself at the beginning of the program. “And at the end there is a challenge that can push you to the limit.” In Nguela’s case, that was crossing the Lobhörner above Lauterbrunnen.

Help from a professional alpinist

The chemistry between the former professional athlete and the Congolese is right. And since they both seemed to be in good shape, they were able to continue their entertaining banter on the hike uphill without getting out of breath.

In the first episode of “To Be Wild”, ex-snowboard professional Fabien Rohrer (right) takes comedian Charles Nguela with him to the Oberland.

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Rohrer showed his guest an old home remedy for annoying mosquitoes. All it takes is a tissue, some water, an anthill and a little time. Nguela’s conclusion: “We cover ourselves with insect piss to protect ourselves against other insects.”

For the actual task, the two received prominent and, above all, expert support: the Ringgenberg alpinist Stefan Siegrist. And that was probably necessary. Nguela wasn’t the only one who wasn’t sure whether he was up to it all. Rohrer also revealed to the camera, out of earshot of his guest. «I’ve done so much shit in my life. But that really almost gives me the hang of it.”

Professional alpinist Stefan Siegrist (center) helps Fabien Rohrer and comedian Charles Nguela (left) climb the Lobhörner.

Screenshot: 3+

The people who have a ticket for the SLF Comedy in Reichenbach on Saturday, April 20th can be assured: the headliner survived the ascent of the Lobhörner and also the descent in one piece.

Tourism as a sponsor

In the first episode of “To Be Wild” the focus was not only on the protagonists Rohrer and Nguela, but also on the Oberland landscape, which was repeatedly beautifully presented. Certainly to the delight of the local tourism organizations. But they also let it cost a bit and are sponsors of the show.

“To Be Wild” is broadcast on Fridays at 8:15 p.m. and 11:20 p.m. Musician Dodo, skier Ramon Zenhäuser and presenter Jennifer Bosshard have been announced as further guests in upcoming episodes.

This is what else is on TV:

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Allow cookiesMore informationSamuel Gunter is co-head of the Thun-Oberland department. He has been working in journalism for over 20 years and reports heavily on politics and economics.More information@Samuel_Guenter


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