Home » Imoco, the southern curve of the Palaverde dedicated to the super-fan Paolone

Imoco, the southern curve of the Palaverde dedicated to the super-fan Paolone

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Ceremony for the delivery of the fundraising commissioned by Sartori’s daughters at Ulss 2 “What he taught us is to do good”. Gift to Intensive Care

Mirco Cavallin / TREVISO

Paolone Sartori’s place is there, in the south curve of Palaverde. And there his name will remain with the title to his name that Imoco Volley has decided to do, in agreement with the family.

The great panther fan, first voice of the “Non Plus Ultras”, organizer of the trips and link between the club and the supporters, who died for Covid on 9 April 2020, will also remain traces in a concrete sign wanted by the daughters Stefania, Cristina and Eleonora.

“Dad died in the intensive care unit of the Ca ‘Foncello hospital in Treviso and it is to this structure that we donate the fruit of a fundraiser: the idea was born a few months later, but we only realized it this year. . Thanks to the collaboration of the company and President Garbellotto, on April 9 we opened subscriptions through an online platform and a current account: in a few weeks hundreds of them arrived, for a total of almost 6 thousand euros, well above our expectations. “.

The general manager of Uls 2 Marca Trevigiana, Francesco Benazzi, arrived to receive the donation. “The period in which Sartori was hospitalized was perhaps the worst of the pandemic; unfortunately for him and for his family the vaccine arrived a few months later. I am convinced, given today’s data from those entering the intensive care unit, that with the injection he would have been saved ».

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The three daughters of Sartori also intended to be concretely close to other families who are experiencing the tragedy of the hospitalization of a family member. «We also informed Dr. Farnia, head of intensive care, of this idea: at the end of May we closed the collection and recorded donations, even substantial ones, from all over Italy; this fact does not surprise us because our father established good relations with anyone among the opposing supporters. Some have also mentioned it publicly in recent months ». Paolone was known for his sunny and outgoing character and for his ability to establish relationships. “His legacy, what he taught us is to do good to others with disinterest; he was spontaneous and simple, especially when he was around people ». Stefania, the eldest, works as a waitress and has sometimes followed the panthers closely together with her father. “I also went away with him and I remember when I surprised him to visit him on the evening of the 2019 championship final”.

Less passionate about volleyball are Cristina and Eleonora, university students from Padua, one in the second year of engineering, the other in the fifth year of medicine. «We know that Dad was well liked: any initiative will be made to remember him, we will welcome it. Just entering here at Palaverde and knowing that his name will remain linked to this curve will already be a great thing, even for him who looks up at us ». The title of the “Paolone” curve will take place as soon as the permitted capacity is increased. –

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