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Childhood, childhood and fun in Aipe

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Childhood, childhood and fun in Aipe

The Municipal Mayor’s Office closed Children’s Month with recreational and integration activities for minors in the celebration of ‘Route 25’.

The Mayor’s Office of Aipe closed Children’s Month with a program of several days to raise awareness in the community about the importance of boys and girls in society, put them in the center of attention and care, fight against the violation or violence that in Sometimes they suffer and become aware of the protection of their rights.

At the event, which took place in the Olympic Village, there were Mayor Luis Ángel Ramírez, the social manager, Diana Charry, collaborators from the municipal administration, parents and, of course, many children who enjoyed fun activities and directed recreation. such as face painting, contests, traditional games and rumbatherapy to move the body and laugh.

‘Ruta 25’

In reality, the celebration, which turned 25, had several dates of mobilization and social participation with actions dedicated to children. For this reason, this time it was called ‘Route 25’, to reaffirm the commitment of the country and all social actors in transforming the reality of children.

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The ‘Ruta25’ Playing in Every Corner of the Country determined 5 strategic stops: “healthily”; “I’m risking peace”; “my school playground”; “today’s games” and “express yourself” a journey that allowed us to build experiences linking boys and girls, said the social manager.

“As observers of their rights, guardians of life, it has been very valuable to meet our boys and girls, share, play, listen to them. May we understand once and for all what they think, feel, dream and that they can also teach us a lot,” added President Ramírez.

And he took the opportunity to highlight that there are several commitments and goals established by his administration in the four-year development plan regarding the protection and comprehensive development of children.

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