Home » Faeser calls for “tough intervention” from the state after the Islamist demonstration

Faeser calls for “tough intervention” from the state after the Islamist demonstration

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Faeser calls for “tough intervention” from the state after the Islamist demonstration

After a demonstration organized by Islamists in Hamburg, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) called for “tough intervention” by the state in such events and praised the work of the police. “Seeing such an Islamist demonstration on our streets is difficult to bear. It’s good that the Hamburg police counteracted crimes with a large contingent.”said Faeser to the Tagesspiegel.

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Faeser continued: “The red lines must be very clear: no terrorist propaganda for Hamas, no hate slogans against Jews, no violence.” If such crimes occur, “there must be immediate, tough intervention during demonstrations.”said the SPD politician: “This is the red line at which the far-reaching protection of freedom of assembly and freedom of expression ends.”

The security authorities continue to have the Islamist scene in their sights, said Faeser. She pointed out that she had banned the terrorist organization Hamas and the Samidoun group in Germany in November 2023. “This means: Any activity is prohibited and a criminal offense, including propaganda speeches.”said Faeser.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser gave a speech in the Bundestag on Thursday.

“The security authorities are monitoring very carefully to ensure that the bans are adhered to. “Other groups that want to emotionalize, radicalize and raise new Islamists are also the focus of our security authorities.”said the Interior Minister and added: “This also applies to the group that was presumably responsible for the demonstration in Hamburg.”

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Participants shouted “Allahu Akbar”

More than 1,000 demonstrators followed the call for a rally by Islamists in Hamburg on Saturday. In the St. Georg district they protested against an allegedly Islamophobic policy and media campaign in Germany. There were slogans on posters like: “Germany = dictatorship of values” or “Caliphate is the solution”. The participants chanted: “Stop the dictatorship of values.”

The rally was secured by a large police presence. There were no incidents. The police put the number of participants at 1,100.

Germany, politics and the media – you should all carefully position yourself towards Muslims, towards Islam and towards Allah.

Speaker at the rally

The organizers repeatedly asked the demonstrators to shout “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”). Speakers accused politicians and the media of “cheap lies” and “cowardly reporting” that were intended to brand all Muslims in Germany as Islamists against the backdrop of the Gaza war.

One speaker literally said: “Germany, politics and the media – you should all carefully position yourselves towards Muslims, towards Islam and towards Allah. For when the cards are reshuffled and the sleeping giant awakens again, you will be held accountable for what your own have sent before you.”

According to information from the Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the person who registered the rally is the Muslim Interaktiv group, which is classified as definitely extremist. It is considered the successor organization to the Islamist association “Hizb ut-Tahrir” (HuT), which was banned from operating in 2003.

Islamists fish for young people with everyday topics

Muslim Interaktiv had already held a demonstration in Hamburg-St. at the end of October despite the ban. George organized. In February last year, the group mobilized 3,500 people to a rally against the burning of the Koran in Sweden.

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The group was since 2020 first on social media active. She has 4,600 fans on Instagram. She is increasingly succeeding in winning over young Muslims in particular through seemingly harmless everyday topics and alleged criticism of racism. According to her own statements, she wants to “stand up for a self-confident Islamic life”.

Clear demarcation from Western values

It’s about headscarf debates in schools, fasting, swimming lessons, Islam-compliant school meals and participation in democratic elections. According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, this is based on allegations of “state-controlled Islamophobia”. The state is perpetrating a kind of “assimilation terror” through a “dictatorship of values”.

The constitutional protection authorities see it clearly Rejection of the free-democratic basic order. The group propagates that Islamic identity can only be protected by distancing itself from Western society. For the “true Muslim” there is only one solution in case of doubt and in conflict with the Basic Law – always follow the guidelines of the Sharia to judge.

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