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These drinks are particularly unhealthy – third place comes as a surprise

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These drinks are particularly unhealthy – third place comes as a surprise

They are high in sugar and can lead to various health problems. A list shows the unhealthiest drinks on the market.

When it comes to choosing drinks, it’s easy to be seduced by the tempting flavors and glittery packaging. But while reaching for sodas, energy drinks, or industrially produced iced tea may be temporarily refreshing, it could lead to long-term health problems.

A list recently compiled by “heidelberg24.de” based on nutrient content, studies and various nutritional guides reveals the five unhealthiest drinks that should be avoided or only consumed in moderation.

List of the unhealthiest drinks

1. Lemonades

The sweet delicacies may be tempting, but they are real sugar bombs. With up to 60 grams of sugar per 0.5 liter, which is equivalent to around 20 sugar cubes, they can have a devastating impact on your health. Regular consumption promotes the development of obesity and diabetes and damages teeth.

2. Energy Drinks

Many people turn to energy drinks for a quick boost of energy, but at a high price. These drinks are not only loaded with caffeine, but also tons of sugar. Excessive consumption can lead to health problems such as heart palpitations and sleep disorders and can even increase the risk of serious illnesses in the long term.

3. Smoothies

Smoothies are often considered a healthy option. Nevertheless, caution is advised. Although they may be fortified with vitamins and nutrients, they often contain a significant amount of sugar, up to 75 grams of sugar per 0.5 liters.

4. Bier

Alcoholic drinks like beer may be refreshing, but consuming them in excess can have serious consequences for your health. In addition to promoting obesity and liver disease, alcohol also increases the risk of cancer and other serious diseases.

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5. Industrial iced tea

Although iced tea is popular as a refreshment on hot days, it is often loaded with sugar and other additives. Excessive consumption can lead, among other things, to obesity.

Experts recommend drinking at least 1.5 to two liters of fluid every day. By occasionally enjoying it and consciously choosing healthier alternatives such as water, unsweetened teas or juice spritzers, your thirst can be quenched in a way that does not harm the body.

By Jana Steger (JS)

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