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100% natural formula for treating eczema and psoriasis!

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Eczema and psoriasis are skin diseases that are often considered debilitating in everyday life, but are not always recognized as real diseases. However, the situation is different for people with symptoms such as redness, peeling skin or severe itching. To remedy this, today we are going to discover an all-natural product that will help get rid of eczema and psoriasis!

Foto: Altheys

How does eczema manifest itself?

It is one of the most common dermatological diseases: Eczema is usually manifested by inflammation of the skin (redness, spots, itching, etc.). There are different types:

Neurodermatitis: This is the most common form of eczema (affecting 50 to 70% of children). It usually occurs due to asthma or hay fever. It is hereditary and affects both adults and children.
Contact dermatitis: can occur after washing hands too frequently, under the influence of certain products such as hydroalcoholic gels or in the case of an allergy to jewelry (e.g. a belt ring). It is a type of eczema that can quickly become debilitating because it is directly related to our lifestyle. There are other types of eczema that are a little less common, such as photosensitive, impetiginized, dry, seborrheic or even nummular eczema… However, the two main types of eczema are the ones we have mentioned.

What can cause eczema?

There are therefore two main causes for the appearance of eczema. However, the first, hereditary disease, is promoted by exposure to allergens, often respiratory allergens (mites, animal hair, pollen, etc.), or even stress. The second possibility is that the skin is exposed to allergens, for example through contact with jewelry or synthetic products.

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How can you relieve eczema without cortisone?

The young start-up Altheys, founded by Hanane Drissi, has decided to offer a 100% natural, cortisone-free alternative to the treatment of eczema and psoriasis. The lab’s flagship? The lanceolate plantain! And yes, the gardener’s enemy is grass!

Between Aubrac and Margeride, in Albaret le Comtal, the Altheys laboratory cultivates and uses an extract of ribwort plantain with miraculous properties. All of the brand’s products are patented and formulated with plantain base, giving it a unique approach on the market.

The ribwort plantain, the miracle plant from which the Altheys brand emerged

Foto: Altheys

It is the famous Pierre VAUSSELIN, chemical engineer and inventor of Aroma-Zone, who initiated the patent that the Altheys brand uses for its treatments against eczema and psoriasis. The latter highlights the insufficient use of medicinal plants France, starting with ribwort plantain. This plant is traditionally used against inflammation and its effectiveness against eczema quickly became clear to Pierre VAUSSELIN. Combined with moisturizing components, Altheys natural products have shown excellent effectiveness in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis in both very dry and atopic skin.

How ribwort plantain and orthoquinone work against eczema

During irritation, levels of nitric oxide increase in the patient’s immune system (which helps blood vessels dilate to allow white blood cells to pass through). It is this process that causes an inflammatory reaction and therefore eczema. The benefit of plantain is that it neutralizes excess nitric oxide via a molecule called orthoquinone. This counteracts the inflammation and the eczema disappears. The company has been recognized for the efficiency of its process and is now even part of the French Eczema Association. A clinical trial conducted on more than 400 patients showed over 90% effectiveness.

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Which treatment to treat eczema?

Foto: Altheys

Thanks to this discovery, numerous Altheys products were developed. There is a suitable product for every patient situation:

Die ZEMATOPIC®-Range for adults: a care cream, a body wash gel and a solid shampoo for the treatment of eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis Facial eczema creamalways for adults, which can be applied to eyelids and mucous membranes and also treats rosacea products for babies (care cream, washing gel, etc.) that protect against cradle cap, psoriasis, eczema and even erythema.

In short, as you have surely understood, the products developed by the Altheys laboratory meet all the needs related to eczema and psoriasis, regardless of the type or origin of the latter. In fact, it is then possible Treat eczema naturally, if they appear on the scalp, face, hands or the rest of the body. For example, the body cream based on ribwort plantain is applied directly to the areas where eczema occurs… And the effectiveness is evident from the first application.

Lanceolate plantain for the natural and cortisone-free treatment of eczema

Using natural products to treat eczema and psoriasis has several benefits. First of all, choosing to use plantain instead of synthetic products is a big step forward in maintaining your skin. Although there are many effective products against neurodermatitis, they often contain cortisone. This substance can quickly prove to be dangerous for the epidermis as it has a local immunosuppressive effect. This means that cortisone is occasionally effective against eczema, but it prevents the area from fighting back afterwards. Of course, this is not dangerous in the short term, but in the long term it can lead to injuries. A natural product like plantain will protect you from this inconvenience.

Can eczema be cured?

To conclude our little file on the treatment of eczema and the benefits of a natural product to combat it, we have some little tips to reduce the risk of developing eczema disease if you are prone to it. The first instinct is to hydrate yourself regularly. Remember that eczema dries out the skin: all remedies are good for moisturizing it again, even if you drink more than average. Avoid situations where you might sweat. Of course, this isn’t about stopping sports, but about avoiding unnecessary layers of clothing. Another tip, still related to humidity: check whether the humidity in your house is sufficient. If it’s too low or too high, it’s not good! It is preferable to stick with a rate around 50%. Either way, suffering from eczema is never easy. That’s why you should always have a cream with you if you have neurodermatitis, especially in winter. However, be careful with cortisone: Choose a natural product like the one with plantain extract, the one in the Altheys store in Albaret Le Comtal 48310 and on the website altheys.de is available… Now you know why!

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