Home » Hodgkin’s lymphoma: how the cancer diagnosed in Luana Bertolucci, from the Brazilian football team, manifests itself

Hodgkin’s lymphoma: how the cancer diagnosed in Luana Bertolucci, from the Brazilian football team, manifests itself

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Hodgkin’s lymphoma: how the cancer diagnosed in Luana Bertolucci, from the Brazilian football team, manifests itself

Photo caption, Luana Bertolucci plays as a midfielder for the Brazilian national team and the American team Orlando Pride

  • Author, Giulia Granchi
  • Roll, Reporter
  • Twitter, @GranchiGiulia
  • Reporting from BBC News Brasil in São Paulo
  • April 29, 2024

Luana Bertolucci, an athlete on the Brazilian women’s football team, shared that she is undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that attacks the lymphatic system.

The 30-year-old player stated that she received the diagnosis following detailed examinations and that she will undergo chemotherapy sessions soon.

“As a professional athlete I have faced many challenges on and off the field. I have always faced everything with courage and determination and this time will be no different,” he wrote on his Instagram.

The player had been called up by coach Arthur Elias to participate in the She Believes international tournament, but had to withdraw from the team.

What is Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in the lymphatic system, a defense system of the human body.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma develops when a defense cell in the body, called a lymphocyte, transforms into a malignant cell, which multiplies.

“In general, these lymphomas tend to be more localized, but the stage can vary from very localized to well disseminated, and this has an important impact on the patient’s prognosis and treatment”, describes Renato Sampaio Tavares, coordinator of the myeloproliferative diseases committee. chronicles of ABHH (Brazilian Association of Hematology, Hemotherapy and Cellular Therapy).

According to INCA (National Cancer Institute), this type of cancer spreads in an orderly manner, from one group of lymph glands to another, through lymphatic vessels, which act as ‘highways’ for cancer cells to move around the body. .

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Hodgkin’s lymphoma is usually found in the neck or central part of the chest, between the lungs.

It can happen at any age, but is more common in young adults (15 to 29 years old), adults (30 to 39 years old) and elderly people (75 years old and over).

Science does not know what leads to the onset of the disease, but it is known that individuals with a weakened immune system, whether due to hereditary genetic diseases, HIV infection or use of immunosuppressive drugs, have a slightly higher risk of developing the disease, as do those belonging to families where one or more members have been diagnosed with it.

How the disease manifests itself

The most common symptoms of Hodgkin’s lymphoma are related to the increase in size of the lymph nodes (tongues) in the neck region and inside the chest (mediastinum) without an apparent cause.

“They are painless nodes with a ‘rubber’ consistency. In some cases, enlarged nodes may be in the armpits, abdomen or groin area”, explains Jacques Tabacof, Lymphomas Specialty Leader at Oncoclínicas.

In advanced stages, afternoon fever, night sweats and weight loss may occur.

“Another important sign is fever. It usually appears at the end of the day, not very high, and it is usually not possible to identify an infection as responsible”, describes Tavares.

The diagnosis is always made through a biopsy of the affected region to confirm the diagnosis and subtype of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The biopsy, explains the Oncoclínicas specialist, can be done with a small surgery or by needle, with the removal of a small part or the entire lymph node, and its pathological examination.

Early diagnosis is essential to achieve successful treatment.

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Hodgkin lymphoma treatment

The disease has specific subtypes, with different clinical characteristics and variable prognoses, therefore, treatment does not follow a standard, but usually consists of chemotherapy with multiple drugs (polychemotherapy), radiotherapy or a combination of both modalities.

“With initial treatment, most patients are cured. When, however, there is a relapse or the response to treatment is not positive, we still seek a cure with other chemotherapy, immunotherapy, bone marrow transplantation and radiotherapy”, says Tabacof.

Although chemotherapy treatment is effective for this type of cancer, adverse effects may occur. Most of the time, they are “manageable”, that is, they can be overcome with treatments and other approaches.

The most important thing is to keep the doctor informed about any doubts or discomfort.

The most common reactions include weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, weight loss, mouth sores, hair and body hair loss, fever, infertility, bruising, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

According to Tabacof, only rare, more resistant and recurrent cases require palliative care.

In Brazil, the National Cancer Institute (INCA) estimates that for each year of the 2023-2025 triennium, 3,080 cases of Hogdkin’s lymphoma will be diagnosed.

Although there is no prevention due to lack of knowledge about what leads to the appearance of the neoplasia, early diagnosis is essential to achieve successful treatment.

Cure rates are currently between 70% and 80% of cases.

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