Home » He faked his wife’s suicide and bought a sex doll

He faked his wife’s suicide and bought a sex doll

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He faked his wife’s suicide and bought a sex doll

HAYS, KANSAS – In a shocking turn of events, the death of 26-year-old Kristen Trickle, initially reported as a suicide, has now been revealed as a meticulously planned murder. The case, which unfolded on Halloween 2019, has left the small town of Hays reeling with disbelief and horror.

Army reservist Colby Trickle, Kristen’s husband, made a frantic call to 911 in the early hours of that fateful night, tearfully reporting his wife’s death. However, as authorities began to investigate the scene, discrepancies and red flags started to emerge, casting doubt on the suicide theory.

One of the key elements that raised suspicion was Kristen’s attire at the time of her death – she was found wearing only underwear, an unusual choice for someone planning to take their own life. Additionally, the size and position of the gun found next to her seemed impractical for her to have used to shoot herself, further fueling doubts about the supposed suicide.

As detectives delved deeper into the case, they uncovered a series of alarming financial transactions made by Colby Trickle in the aftermath of Kristen’s death. He cashed in on two life insurance policies, totaling over $120,000, and proceeded to squander the money on extravagant purchases, including a life-size sex doll.

The trial, which took place in September 2023, revealed chilling details of Colby Trickle’s actions following Kristen’s death. From the reckless spending to the lack of empathy shown towards his late wife, the prosecution painted a disturbing picture of a man who had callously planned and executed a cold-blooded murder.

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After emotional testimonies from Kristen’s family and forensic evidence pointing to premeditation, Colby Trickle was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The residents of Hays are left grappling with the aftermath of this tragic and senseless crime, mourning the loss of a young woman whose life was cruelly taken by the one person who should have protected her.

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