Home » Is the microwave oven carcinogenic? The expert explains whether its use puts your health at risk

Is the microwave oven carcinogenic? The expert explains whether its use puts your health at risk

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Is the microwave oven carcinogenic?  The expert explains whether its use puts your health at risk

There are those who couldn’t do without it and those who avoid it like the plague for fear of radiation. We asked the expert Dario Vista the pros and cons of using the microwave oven in the kitchen.

Interview with Dr. Dario Vista

Nutritionist biologist and food technologist

There are the staunch supporters, those who couldn’t conceive of a kitchen without it, and those who instead see it as the devil, dangerous, useless and even cumbersome. The subject of a debate that began in the 1980s and has never subsided is the microwave oven. The appliance of desire for many, ideal for those who don’t want to waste time in the kitchen, a milestone of modernity, as revolutionary at the time of its debut as it is today air fryer. And just like this latest appliance (considered by many to be nothing more than a super oven) the microwave is also the subject of great discussion. The most ferocious criticism leveled at him? Its harmfulness to health. But what is true and what is false?

Is the microwave oven carcinogenic?

When it comes to radiation we are immediately on the alert. But is the microwave oven really an appliance to be feared? “Electromagnetic emissions scare consumers because they assimilate them to those of cell phones or other sources. – Dr. Dario Vista, biologist, nutritionist and food technologist, explains to Fanpage.it – This was also a problem with microwaves, but many years ago. Today these appliances are equipped with a screen that hinders emissions and their interruption when the door is open. In short microwaves will never be able to reach the person. So no health risk“. On the other hand, it is a patent from 1946 and – as explained on the Airc website – a sufficient number of years have passed for avoid any correlation between microwaves and the onset of tumors.

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How microwaves work

The misunderstanding about the dangers of microwave ovens arises precisely from the use of the word radiation. Radiations such as solar radiation or those emanating from nuclear power plants or even X-rays are able to interact and alter our DNA but not all radiation has the same strength, let’s also think of radio waves as well as oven microwaves. I am non-ionizing radiationthat is, they are unable to remove an electron from an atom or molecule, they are, in short, less strong. Microwaves can make atoms vibrate but not move them. “The food heats up because the microwaves emitted in the cooking chamber agitate the water molecules contained in the food and this movement generates the heat.”

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Microwaves and food quality

Of course, those who love that little crust that forms on the pasta from the day before while heating it in the pan will be reluctant to put it in the microwave. But the convenience of heating water for a herbal tea, milk for the bottle or a soup cooked the day before, in just 30 seconds, is certainly priceless. Especially since microwaves, in addition to not harming your health, can also help preserve the nutritional qualities of a food such as vegetables or fish. “Foods that contain water-soluble vitamins, especially vegetables, lose much of their nutritional value in the cooking water. In the microwave oven, however – since the water is not used – the vitamins remain intact inside the food that we will then eat”.

Plastic, glass and ceramic: the right containers to use

The other main accusation hanging over microwave ovens concerns their ability to deform containers and release toxic substances. But what are the suitable containers? “Classic microwave containers are made of a plastic That it must absolutely not contain PVC (it is PVC which could in fact deform and even release toxic substances), but Pyrex glass or ceramic containers can also be used. Absolutely prohibited the use of any metal container (steel, aluminum) because they are electrical conductors and can create sparks and explosions: the same goes for crystal glass which contains lead” explains the expert. At the supermarket we also find some food packages where it is written that they must be pierced before being put in the microwave: “This is because you have to “puff” the steam which could cause the container to explode or create a pressure which risks generating hot splashes after opening.”

Microwave: it’s all about flavour

We said it before, let’s think about those who love pasta sautéed the day before, or sautéed rice prepared with leftovers from lunch. Beyond the paranoia – which we have seen to be absolutely unfounded – there is the question regarding the palate. “The flavor is altered or emphasized as with any cooking method. The consistency may be different from that of a traditional oven and the final product may be softer and less fragrant. It’s a question of taste.” But given that the industry is well aware of our need to do everything faster and faster, today there are combi ovens that combine microwaves with other functions to overcome, above all, the problem of too soft textures of foods heated or even cooked in the microwave. “The answer in this case lies in the grill function of newer ovens. If we want to maintain a fragrant consistency I always recommend opting for this cooking method.”

The information provided on www.fanpage.it is designed to integrate, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their doctor.

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