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How to transform your bathroom into a mini spa

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How to transform your bathroom into a mini spa

Just indulge a hot shower at the end of the day to experience an immediate feeling of relaxation. But not only that, because water together with steam, in addition to relaxing the muscles, promotes a complete purification. If we then add other natural ingredients to this “magical element”. the regenerating effect becomes complete. And to do this you don’t need to go to a spa: with a few simple precautions it is possible to transform even the bathroom in your home into a Spa.

Transforming the bathroom into a mini Spa: what is needed

Here’s everything you need:

aromatic essential oils;
bowls wooden;
brushes for the scrub;
flip flops e towels clean and soft;
candles to create the right atmosphere.

Do you want to try? First of all, leave your phone and tablet away, grab your bathrobe and head to the bathroom, then once a week take a break all for you.

How to create the atmosphere to transform the bathroom into a spa

Creating the atmosphere is essential to obtain the relaxing spa effect. Follow these steps.

Close the shutters or draw the curtains to guarantee darkness and privacy. No artificial lights, put lots of small ones candles throughout the room. If you have one, also light a pink salt lamp, which ionizes the environment and purifies the air.
Place green plants, such as ferns and orchids, to have the feeling of being in the middle of nature, a source of relaxation. Play one at medium low volume SONG relaxing. To savor the taste of relaxation perfumes and oils are essential: choose what you like best between lavender, vanilla and orange blossom. Here flip flops e towels clean and soft at hand, so you don’t have to interrupt your moment of relaxation.

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Spa at home: the relaxation journey begins

Diffuse the aromas to begin the ritual

Prepare the bathroom by turning on relaxing music and pouring into the diffuser:

3 drops of essential oil of angelicaa warm and stimulating spice that activates the metabolism;
2 drops of corianderwhich sweeps away physical and even mental laziness.

Reawaken the tissues with brushing

At this point, remove your clothes and use a dry horsehair brush over your body with vigorous movements. Insist, particularly on the arms, starting from the shoulders up to the hands and legs, then move on to the abdomen and buttocks, then brush the hair vigorously too. In this way you “sweep away” the cells death but also the burdens and worries and you find lightness and vigor. If you have irritations on your skin, wipe with a damp cloth and make firm but delicate movements.

Cleansing and scrubbing with Dead Sea salts

After wetting your skin, pass the bar of soap or shower gel over your entire body, starting from your shoulders to the spaces between your toes. You can use your hands, a sponge, a brush or a cotton towel. As an alternative to the classic bubble bath, mix a couple of spoons of Dead Sea salts with jojoba oil for a scrub delicate that eliminates dead cells, nourishes the skin and replaces after-shower cream, as it leaves the skin elastic and hydrated. Thermal soaps with microgranules are also excellent, as they delicately exfoliate the skin.

Anti-cellulite massage

If you prefer the consistency of bubble bath, add a couple of drops of essential oil rosemaryThat reactivates circulation and has a toning effect. Its scent also dissolves tiredness, both physical and mental.

Keyword: exfoliation

In the shower, just as you wash yourself, you can treat yourself to a exfoliating treatment and anti-cellulite. Rely on a horsehair glove, the traditional kessa glove, used in hammams whose texture allows for a delicate scrub or the newer microfibre mittens, which when used regularly give the skin brightness and compactness. Use these gloves while carrying out a light, circular massage from the extremities (hands and feet) in the center of the body, then continue on the back and abdomen.

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Treat yourself to a pampering with an oriental flavour

Arabic version of the Roman baths, the hammam or Turkish bath serves to cleanse and purify the bodyinstilling a pleasant sensation of relax. The credit goes to the mix of humidity and heat released by the boiling waters which together relax the mind, lowering the stress level, loosening any muscle tension and purifying the skin. The steps to do the hammam in the bathroom I am:

Turn on the hot water jet, close the shower cabin and wait 2-3 minutes until the space fills with steam. At this point, turn off the tap, sit on the floor or on a stool and remain immersed in the vapors for 10 minutes.
Lather your face and body with black soap with slow, circular movements. Apply pressure to the roughest areas with the help of a glove that removes dead cells and stimulates circulation. Rinse.
Sprinkle over the body of the ghassoul: it is a clay extracted with a purifying action. Before using it, let it rest in a wooden bowl with a little water. Keep it on your face, arms and the rest of your body for a few minutes then return to the shower. Your skin will immediately feel very smooth.
Apply a nourishing oil to damp skin, those made of jojoba, argan or coconut are fine, all emollients. Choose the one you like best so the relaxing effect is guaranteed.

Lagoon mud works wonders on psoriasis

If you suffer from psoriasis or dermatitis you can reduce the discomfort by making mud treatments at home. They are spread all over the body, focusing on the most affected areas, left on for about 15-20 minutes and then rinsed off in the shower. In addition to the sea mud, there is a lagoon mud that is extracted from the Salina di Cervia which is rich in mineral salts and trace elements, fromsoothing and purifying effect. Its action doubles when combined with natural extracts of arnica, willow and devil’s claw, plants known for their anti-stress action.

Apply a moisturizing lotion

After having blotted the excess water with a towel or bathrobe, it is always advisable to immediately absorb a moisturizing lotion which softens and restores balance to the hydrolipidic film, the protective barrier that avoids aridity and dryness. Alternatively, i.e. are also fine vegetable butters.

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Say goodbye to tension with a hay wrap

Once dried from the shower, do some hay compresses. To do this, all you need are canvas bags filled with hay flowers that can be purchased online or in specialized shops. They should be heated with steam for about 15 minutes (they should not be immersed in water!), wrapped in a towel and applied to the areas where pain is felt. So you will go in bed regenerated and without tension.

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