Home » European Lists: Meloni in all constituencies and Schlein in two

European Lists: Meloni in all constituencies and Schlein in two

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European Lists: Meloni in all constituencies and Schlein in two

Once the electoral lists for the European elections of 8 and 9 June have been closed, the strategies used by the various parties to attract the vote of Italian citizens are being taken into account. Starting from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni who will appear in the ballot papers with the “called Giorgia“, that is, a populist appeal that has no other purpose than to personalize to yourself (and therefore on the government) the vote for the European Parliament. Along the same lines is the choice of present themselves as leaders in all constituencies, like other leaders before her including the omnipresent Silvio Berlusconi. She was certainly a highly criticized choice, but then imitated by many other secretaries. But that’s what it is from many sides is defined “a fraud” because it is clear that neither Meloni nor the other party leaders will go to Strasbourgit’s in the facts.

Among them is Elly Schlein who, regardless of the blame even expressed by Romano Prodi – who spoke of “a wound for democracy” –, will appear as head of the list in the constituencies of the Center and the Islands. There is no shortage of the Foreign Minister and president of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajanileaders everywhere but not in the Islands, nor even Carlo Calenda which does not only appear in the North West constituency. For the United States of Europe, a cartel between +Europa and Italia Viva, both will be candidates Emma Bonino That Matteo Renziwho initially said no but then capitulated and appears as the last name in 4 out of 5 constituencies (excluding the North-East).

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Who said “no” to the candidacy

Who among the leaders instead said “no” to the “truffaldina” choice I am the leader of the M5s, Giuseppe Contefor whom “running for office and not going to the EU is a joke”, but also those of Avs, i.e. Nicola Fratoianni e Angelo Bonelli. In the majority he will not run Matteo Salvini, who evidently, given the times, is not interested in personal confrontation with the voters. And who rather ranks General Vannacci – amidst the controversy – in two constituencies and towards whom he commented: “It’s not possible further to the right than that“. Clear nod to an entirely internal challenge to the majority on the extreme positions. So there you have it the list of leading candidates constituency by constituency:

– Brothers of Italy: leaders Giorgia Meloni everywhere.

– Lega: Silvia Sardone to the North West; Paolo Borchia al North east; he general Roberto Vannacci in the Center and the South; Annalisa Tardino in the Islands.

– Forza Italia: Antonio Tajani everywhere except the Islands where it is Caterina Chinnici.

– Action: Carlo Calenda it is at the top of the list everywhere except in the North West where Elena Bonetti is.

United States of Europe: Emma Bonino will be leaders in the North West, Gian Domenico Caiazza at the Centre, the secretary of the PSI, Enzo Maraioin the South. In the North East the leader of the list will be the Scottish Liberal Democratic leader Graham Watsonthe radical militant in the islands Rita Bernardini.

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– Pd: Elly Schlein leader in the center and in the Islands, Lucia Annunziata al Sud, Stefano Bonaccini al North east, Cecilia Strada to the North West.

– M5s: Maria Angela Danzi to the North West, Sabrina Pignedoli al North east, Carolina Morace to the Center, Pasquale Tridico al Sud, Giuseppe Antoci in the Islands.

– Avs: Ilaria Salis in the North West, Cristina Guarda nel North east, Ignazio Marino to the Center, Domenico Lucano al Sud, Leoluca Orlando in the Islands.

– Peace, land and dignity: Michele Santoro everywhere.

– Freedom: tickets everywhere Cateno De Luca e Laura Castelli.

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