Home » Gabriele Naldini of Aoup at Elisir

Gabriele Naldini of Aoup at Elisir

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Gabriele Naldini of Aoup at Elisir

The appointment is Tuesday 7 May at 10.35am with the proctologist Naldini, director of the national reference center for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

We will talk about hemorrhoids again on Tuesday 7 May, a Elixir on Rai 3 (starts at 10.35am) with Dr. as guest in the studio Gabriele Naldini, director of the Multidisciplinary Proctology and Pelvic Floor Center of the Aoupa national reference point for the treatment of this very widespread pathology with a great social impact, even if it is necessary to differentiate between hemorrhoids, inflammation and actual hemorrhoidal disease.

The specialist will talk about the various degrees of pathology (from stage I to IV), of the risk factors on which a low-fibre diet plays a predominant role. But then we will also talk about familiarity, pregnancy, constipation, all conditions that favor its formation. Great attention then to the importance of do not underestimate the symptoms which may instead reveal more serious pathologies (polyps, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases). Then there is room for the diagnostic-therapeutic part with all the possible curative options available today (ligatures, sclerotherapy, laser, surgical removal of hemorrhoids, prolapse, interventions on the rectal mucosa) and finally prevention. As always, during the broadcast, it will be possible to interact with the specialist via the whatsapp number in overlay and the Rai social channels.

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