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Taking root in China to run a university

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“Building World-Class Universities with Chinese Characteristics” – General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Vision for Higher Education

In a recent inspection visit to Peking University on May 4, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of running universities with Chinese characteristics to achieve world-class status. He highlighted the need for universities in China to absorb advanced global experiences while staying rooted in Chinese values and education laws.

The impact of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s guidance over the past decade has been significant, leading to historic achievements and changes in China’s higher education landscape. The country now boasts the world‘s largest higher education system, with several universities and disciplines ranking among the best globally. The focus on quality training has also resulted in an increase in the population receiving higher education and a surge in scientific and technological innovations.

One key aspect highlighted by General Secretary Xi Jinping is the adherence to the correct political direction in running schools, emphasizing the importance of Marxist principles and Party leadership in education. Universities like Peking University, Fudan University, and Tsinghua University have taken proactive measures to integrate Marxist ideology into their teaching methods and research initiatives.

Furthermore, the cultivation of new talents for national rejuvenation has been a pivotal goal for Chinese universities. Initiatives like the “Ideological and Political Course” at Chongqing Nankai Middle School and the focus on moral education and socialist values at Renmin University of China and Hunan University highlight the commitment to nurturing individuals who will contribute to the country’s progress.

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In line with the emphasis on linking higher education development with national goals, universities have actively contributed to major national projects and technological advancements. Collaborative efforts with international partners and the promotion of the “Study in China” brand have further enhanced China’s global presence in education.

Deepening reforms, utilizing digital education solutions, and expanding international exchanges and cooperation have been key strategies in driving higher education development in China. Universities have adapted to changing educational trends, optimized talent training models, and enhanced their evaluation mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement.

China’s commitment to building world-class universities with Chinese characteristics underscores the country’s determination to contribute its unique history, culture, and national conditions to the global education landscape. With a focus on confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics and a vision for academic excellence, Chinese universities are taking bold steps towards becoming global leaders in higher education.

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