Home » PoliFútbol starts today in La Virginia

PoliFútbol starts today in La Virginia

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PoliFútbol starts today in La Virginia

Julián Andrés Santa

For a decade, the Bernardo Bolívar field in the municipality of La Virginia, more popularly known as La Bombonera, was forgotten. This is how since his election, the mayor, passionate about sports, Juan Carlos Botero, paid all the attention required to this traditional stage of Puerto Dulce in Colombia and they were able to recover it in the company of the Sports Secretariat. This is how from today on this field, the PoliFútbol will begin, a tournament held with the aim of integrating children not only from the municipality, but from others, close to La Virginia.

This is explained by the leader of the Virginians, Juan Carlos Botero. “In coordination with the Police the tournament will be held. There are around 30 teams from the municipality of La Virginia and the west, where we will find a way to do a good job and make our boys and girls feel very good in this contest. A joint called Polifútbol. The idea of ​​continuing to work with institutions and entities to carry out a good social process in our municipality.”

30 teams participate

For his part, this is expressed by Never Muñoz, Secretary of Sports and Culture of the municipality. “This tournament is organized by the Ministry of Sports and Culture and the Metropolitan Police of Risaralda. It is for children born in the years 2017 and 2018 until 2013 and 2014. We have approximately 30 teams participating from municipalities such as Balboa, Viterbo, Belalcázar; the town of Caimalito, paths such as the Totuy Canyon. We will have the inaugural parade today at 2 in the afternoon, leaving the main park and we will be with Mayor Juan Carlos Botero and the police doing the kick-off.”

“The Police is one of the official sponsors, so we decided to call the tournament PoliFútbol after the police and soccer poli of the discipline in which the tournament will be held. We start today with matches in the morning and the opening duel is at 4 in the afternoon with Viterbo,” adds the secretary.

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“The Bombonera court has a history that was closed for 10 years and with the elected mayor Juan Carlos Botero, we managed to recover it and now we are going to give it life with the tournament. “It is a soccer field that is in the middle of vulnerable neighborhoods and it is one of the best settings we have here.”

“The most traditional”

Regarding what this scenario represents for the Virginian people, Muñoz adds: “The community of La Virginia is very fond of soccer and this is the most traditional field in the municipality. People are happy, many are now making sales, there are kiosks that were there and we have been recovering them for commerce. In addition, people help, support in the garbage collection and we have the care of the Police who are very attentive.”

“Thank you to the Police, to the Mayor for this management, for the support you give us, for the guideline you always give us every day to recover the stages for the people, especially for the children who are sometimes without access to reach to the stadium and they have a field in the middle of the neighborhoods that they can use daily. Baseball is already being played there, so it is to recover the tradition that we had a few years ago with the Bernardo Bolívar field, better known as La Bombonera,” points out the Secretary of Sports and Culture of Puerto Dulce in Colombia, Never Muñoz.


The PoliFútbol Tournament will run until November and will be played on Saturdays, Sundays and holiday Mondays.

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