Home » Unveiling the Mystery: Interview with Shichen, the Mystery Bookstore Owner

Unveiling the Mystery: Interview with Shichen, the Mystery Bookstore Owner

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Southern Weekend staff writer Zhan Yubing Reports on Shichen and His Mission to Promote Mystery Novels

Shanghai – In a unique twist to the literary world, Southern Weekend staff writer Zhan Yubing sat down with Shichen, the owner of Shichen’s Miyun Pavilion, a mystery bookstore specializing in original reasoning novels. Shichen, a self-proclaimed advocate for the localization of mystery novels, shared his insights on the market position of different types of reasoning novels and his commitment to sticking to his original creations.

During the interview, Shichen humorously remarked, “There are two ways to make people poor in mystery novels. One is to write real-life reasoning, and the other is to open a mystery bookstore.” Despite the slow foot traffic and minimal book sales, Shichen remains steadfast in his belief in authentic reasoning as the core of his novels.

As the discussion delved into the nuances of mystery novel creation, Shichen highlighted the importance of imagination in the genre. He also shared his efforts to promote mystery novels through initiatives such as the “QED Mystery Dialogue Video” and the “Mystery Hall Night Talk” mystery podcast.

In a prequel to his bookstore ventures, Shichen revealed the driving force behind his continuous pursuit of opening mystery novel stores. Reflecting on his first bookstore, Gudao Bookstore, Shichen expressed his determination to rectify past shortcomings and provide a better experience for readers at My Yun Pavilion.

With an unwavering passion for mystery novels stemming from his childhood fascination with “Detective Conan” and “Sherlock Holmes,” Shichen’s dedication to the genre shines through in his commitment to creating authentic and imaginative stories.

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As Shichen navigates the intricate balance between market trends and creative integrity, he remains a beacon for mystery novel enthusiasts and a staunch advocate for the localization of the genre.

Stay tuned for more updates on Shichen’s mystery novel ventures and his ongoing efforts to promote the art of reasoning and storytelling.

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