Home » Draghi: “Italy is fragile but not destined for decline”. In the recovery green, young people, health care and reforms

Draghi: “Italy is fragile but not destined for decline”. In the recovery green, young people, health care and reforms

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Italy is certainly fragile but it is not destined to decline. Word of the premier. Word of Mario Draghi who writes it in black and white in the draft of the Recovery fund that he is preparing to present at the beginning of the week to the Chambers and then to Europe. “The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the Italian economy more than other European countries. In 2020, the gross domestic product fell by 8.9 per cent, compared to a fall in the European Union of 6.2 “, writes Mario Draghi in the draft introduction to the Pnrr, in short,” Italy is been hit first and hardest by the health crisis. To date, over 110,000 official deaths due to Covid-19 have been recorded, making Italy the country that has suffered the greatest loss of life in the EU “.

However, recent economic history shows that Italy is not necessarily doomed to decline. After World War II, during the economic miracle, our country recorded GDP and productivity growth rates among the highest in Europe. In particular, writes Draghi, “structural reforms are essential to improve the quality of spending by public administrations and encourage private capital towards investment and innovation”. Hence the need for a plan, if you prefer Pnrr that knows how to put resources and investments into motion. Starting with the network. As if to say: fast internet throughout the national territory by 2026. The objective of the PNRR in terms of digitization is to bring 1 Gbps connections to over 8 million families, 9,000 schools, 12,000 hospitals and 18 smaller islands. Not only the network, of course, but also investments in railways (over 29 billion), in the environment and precisely on the digital and environmental transition. In total, the plan that Italy will send to Europe will have an impact on GDP of 3.6 percentage points and on employment of 3 points by 2026, the last year of the Recovery plan. With about 40 percent of the resources destined for the South, 38 percent for green and 25 percent for digital. An extra fund, then, will be used to cover the projects that will remain outside the Plan, which may have longer deadlines and will be released from the reporting obligation to the EU. Naturally, the executive is still working on the text and some knots remain to be resolved, starting with the definition of governance and the resources for the extension of the superbonus to 2023. So much so that the meeting of the Council of Ministers for the first examination has been postponed to tomorrow morning. The text will therefore be further refined over the weekend, and on Monday and Tuesday the premier will present it to the Chambers. The final green light should arrive between Wednesday and Thursday, in time to be sent to Brussels on April 30th. The draft in circulation states that the government “intends to extend the recently introduced 110% Superbonus measure (article 119 of the Relaunch Decree) from 2021 to 2023” but this is the extension already provided for by the budget law only for public housing. At the moment 18 billion are foreseen, between the 10.26 already allocated and the additional 8.2 of the extra Recovery fund, the same dowry indicated by the Conte government plan. These funds will be used to finance the extension of the 110% deduction to 30 June 2022 for individual homes and to 31 December 2022 for condominiums that have completed 60% of the work in June, with the possibility only for public housing to reach June 2023, as required by the budget law. However, government sources explain, the orientation is to arrive in September to make an assessment on the actual data and on the economic aspects of the measure and if it is positive, extend it with the budget law by allocating additional funds. To extend the superbonus to 2023 for all categories, another 10 billion euros are needed. Compared to the resources already available, it is also explained, if the draft of the measure were to be lower and there were savings, it could be considered to use them in the years to come and not divert them to other interventions. So there would be a political commitment to confirm the measure but on the basis of the results. But beyond the filings that the text will undergo from here on, some centralities remain: here are what.

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Gender equality

A new “National Gender Equality Certification System” appears with an allocation of 100 million in the latest draft of the Recovery Plan: the aim is to define a system that “accompanies and incentives companies to adopt adequate policies to reduce the gender in all the most “critical” areas (opportunities for growth in the company, wage equality, management of gender differences, protection of maternity) ». The system will be open to all companies in the experimental phase, until June 2026 it will be facilitated for SMEs and micro-enterprises, and accompanied by assistance services.


“Reduction of judgment time, which today continues to record completely inadequate averages”. This is the fundamental objective of projects and reforms in the justice sector. All the interventions in the field of justice “converge, therefore, to the common aim of bringing the Italian process back to a model of efficiency and competitiveness”, is emphasized in the document, in which they are highlighted, in addition to the interventions on the organization – in particular the diffusion of the Trial Office which “from January 2022 becomes fully operational in the judicial offices” – the reform projects of the civil and criminal trial, of the judicial system and of tax justice. As for the civil and criminal reforms, the draft reads, “the enabling laws can be adopted by September 2021 and the implementing decrees can be approved by September 2022”: the impact on the duration of the proceedings “could probably be estimated at the end of 2024” . For tax justice, however, “it is estimated that the reform can be approved by 2022”.

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In terms of pensions, the transitional phase of application of the so-called Quota 100 will end at the end of the year and will be replaced by measures aimed at categories with tiring jobs “.

Green and mobility

The NRP should allocate € 57.5 billion to the green revolution and ecological transition. This is what emerges from the draft plan. In detail, the resources will be divided as follows: 5.3 billion in sustainable agriculture and circular economy; 26.56 billion, the largest part, in energy transition and sustainable mobility, 11.49 billion in energy efficiency and building renovation and 14.15 billion in protection of the territory and water resources.


“The reform” of the qualifying degrees “provides for the simplification of the procedures for the qualification to exercise the professions, making the degree exam coincide with the state exam, thereby simplifying and speeding up access to the world of work by the graduates “.

Center of Excellence for Epidemics

Identify a Center of Excellence for Epidemics. This is what the PNRR foresees, in the draft entering the CDM. «The trend of epidemics in the 21st century – we read – signals the need for particular attention to the circulation and spread of viruses, in particular due to spillover phenomena. The identification, on a competitive national basis, of a center of excellence for epidemics will allow a more prompt and effective response from the national scientific community with respect to the sequencing of viruses and the related research and development needs for the treatment and containment of the resulting diseases. “.

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