Home » Treviso, looking for a real bomber Negotiation with the former pro Kabine

Treviso, looking for a real bomber Negotiation with the former pro Kabine

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Treviso probes a first striker to further strengthen the attack and solve the problem of lack of concreteness. If in the three cup matches Treviso has scored six goals in three matches (by the way, tickets for tomorrow’s eighth final against Opitergina at Tenni will cost 5 euros if bought online), in the league the biancocelesti are struggling to find the net: just two goals in four outings and all born from a set piece.

Last Sunday, in the 1-1 against LiaPiave, the many unrealized occasions began to make the public grumble and someone began to regret Raffaele Baido, Marco Roveretto and Andrea Morbioli who a year ago constituted a deadly trident.

The company from via Ugo Foscolo, however, is not watching and is moving on the market to find a first striker, a role that is missing in the squad of Mr. Migliorini. In fact, yesterday there seems to have been an interview between the Biancoceleste management and the striker Mehdi Kabine, currently in force at the Altamura Team militant in Serie D, and with a very thick past. The 37-year-old of Moroccan origin has always been a guarantee of goals: he takes his first steps in the Treviso youth teams, boasts many seasons in Serie C with Belluno, Pro Sesto, Sacilese and Carpi (as well as an experience in Spain) and many appearances in Serie D, in particular with the shirts of Rimini, Triestina, Altovicentino, Campodarsego, Mestre and Cjarlins Muzane. The last experience in Veneto was last year with the Adriese, before leaving for Puglia. The only obstacle seems to be that of Kabine’s financial request but, in any case, there is no rush since the transfer market is open until November 4th and there is the possibility of probing other players.

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Waiting to understand who will wear the Treviso number 9 shirt, Fantoni’s seasonal debut in goal last Sunday closes every hypothesis in the goalkeeping market: the goalkeeper has regained the confidence of Mr. Migliorini after the unconvincing tests in the goalkeepers. summer friendlies and, also considering that Mestre blocked Secco’s passage to the biancoceleste, it seems that the 2001 class has been fully reinstated in the squad and will support his team mates Noé and Casella. Finally, no news on the technical guide and Mr. Migliorini should be present on the bench also tomorrow. –

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