Home » Two events announce Varese design week

Two events announce Varese design week

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Initially scheduled from 15 to 19 April, the Varese design week announced that its fifth edition will be held from 21 to 24 October. In the meantime, it prepares the ground with two interesting exhibitions that address the theme of labyrinth, chosen as this year’s focus.

The June 9 part “Urbanbrain”, The project signed by Urbansolid which until 4 July (by appointment) will showcase a colorful brain-shaped sculpture at the Ghiggini Gallery whose spiral design recalls a labyrinth; in the upper part the artists Riccardo Cavalleri and Gabriele Castellani trace three stripes indicating the symbol of the Wi-Fi internet line “which suggests a further reading of the brain as a labyrinth of the mind from which every creative project is generated”, explain the organizers in a note .

The second initiative is one virtual exhibition featuring 25 works created by as many international artists, winners of the contest launched by Varese Design Week in collaboration with the Teelent platform. The exhibition itinerary is unveiled on June 10 (this is the link to access the virtual room), once the online tour is over you have the opportunity to vote for your favorite work, the winner will be announced in October.

These two events summarize the soul of the event that arises for combine art and design as the organizers Silvana Barbato, Silvia Giacometti, Nicoletta Romano and Laura Sangiorgi explain: “The brain seen as a labyrinth of the mind is a hotbed of ideas that flow into creativity, an indispensable element of design, today more than ever at the forefront due to the radicals changes that the surprise onslaught of Covid-19 has caused in our lives that need to be reinvented. In everyday life first of all. Here then is that design acquires its main function, that is, the conception and design of objects of use with a real function that accompany us and help us in everyday life.. Design is awareness of the present and the ability to propose future scenarios. But the connection between art and design is essential and for this reason we have decided to entrust the preview also to the virtual art exhibition. Labyrinth».

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