Home » China’s epidemic spreads in 20 provinces and cities, the CCP’s zero-clearing policy is questioned | Zero tolerance of the epidemic | Alxa League Ejin Banner | Beijing Winter Olympics

China’s epidemic spreads in 20 provinces and cities, the CCP’s zero-clearing policy is questioned | Zero tolerance of the epidemic | Alxa League Ejin Banner | Beijing Winter Olympics

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[Epoch Times November 08, 2021](The Epoch Times reporter Lin Cenxin interviewed and reported) China’s northernmost provincial capital, Harbin, just two weeks after being unblocked, encountered an epidemic again. The first confirmed patients in Heihe City, the border city of China and Russia, and Shijiazhuang City, the capital of Hebei Province, have all received three doses of the Chinese Communist virus vaccine. With the Beijing Winter Olympics approaching, the authorities have escalated the pressure to zero, and the lockdown measures in various places have made the people tired.

Shijiazhuang City’s 80% vaccination rate, people worry about closing the city again

On October 24, Li, the first case notified in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, had already received the third dose of the vaccine in August. He did not expect that he would be infected.

After the official notification of the first confirmed case, 40 communities were immediately sealed off, and the food on the supermarket shelves was quickly sold out. Even if the official reports that there is an 80% vaccination rate in the local area, the people are still worried that the government will adopt a long-term censorship policy in order to clear it.

Starting from November 5th, Shenze County and Xinji City, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, issued urgent notices that all vehicles except military vehicles and ambulances are not allowed on the road.

On November 6, Song Wen, a citizen of Shijiazhuang, told reporters that the authorities’ “clearing” was only based on a government document without a legal basis. The huge isolation costs, inconveniences and losses caused to the citizens were not dealt with or compensated.

“The measure itself is illegal, which reflects the authorities’ disregard for the basic rights of people, even infringement.” Song Wen said.

In terms of vaccination, as of November 5, a total of 2.3 billion doses had been vaccinated nationwide, and 1.07 billion people had completed the entire vaccination process. The vaccination rate exceeded 75%. Officials predict that it will exceed 80% by the end of the year. Three doses. However, the control measures have not been relaxed, but have become more stringent.

On the 6th, Mi Feng, spokesperson for the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China, said frankly at a press conference, “As of 24:00 on November 5, the epidemic has spread to 20 provinces, superimposed on winter and spring seasonal factors, and the prevention and control situation is severe and complex.”

Tourists stranded in Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia

The famous scenic spot “Populus euphratica” in Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia, is hit by the epidemic this year during the peak tourist season in October. After the city was closed on October 18, nearly 10,000 tourists were trapped in the local area and complained repeatedly, which aroused national attention.

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On November 6, the reporter called several hotels in Ejina Banner and learned that stranded tourists have been transferred. Many hotels have been taken over by the government to isolate close contacts. However, a hotel staff member told them, “There are still a lot of stranded tourists. “, “There are also migrant workers stranded in the local area.”

Due to the blockade and quarantine measures, it has had a huge impact on local life and economic industries.

An owner of a coal mine in Ejina Banner told reporters on October 30 that quarantine and isolation measures have caused a significant slowdown in coal transportation operations. “Er Hohhot is closed, and Ceke Port is also closed, leaving only 288 (Ganqimaodu Port) with stricter control and less coal.”

On November 4, 2021, people in Beijing line up for the Covid-19 test. (GREG BAKER/AFP via Getty Images)

Beijing severely bans confirmed cases and drugstore owners are filed

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opened on the 8th. The Beijing Winter Olympics will be held in February next year, and Beijing’s prevention and control measures have been continuously upgraded. On November 1st, the authorities announced that if there is a “time-space overlap” with the confirmed cases, people who are on business trips and tourists in other places will be suspended from returning to Beijing, which caught many people by surprise. Some people were restricted from applying for the “Beijing Health Code” and were unable to return to Beijing after traveling for half a month.

From October 12th to 15th, I drove to Inner Mongolia by car. The two confirmed cases detected on the 22nd, as well as the owners of 2 pharmacies selling anti-fever medicines, were investigated by the public security organ because they did not scan the QR code as required.

At the same time, the officials in areas where clusters of infections have occurred will be severely accountable. Including many people from the Beiqijia Town Party Committee in Changping District, Beijing, were notified and warned, and the party group and related personnel of the Changping District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau were held accountable.

Zhao Ting, a citizen of Beijing’s Changping District, told reporters on November 6 that the entire Beijing Changping battle against the epidemic made people suspect that the epidemic was not easy. If you don’t know, just stick the seals for prevention and control.” “We put a lot of seals on Changping Street, which shows that this time in Changping is much more serious than the previous few (epidemic)!”

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Zhao Ting also criticized, “Official officials are disregarding the people’s life and death for the sake of their political achievements. This is the current situation in Changping. Almost all that can be closed, and all that can be closed are closed!”

Shanghai and Jiangxi promote preventive measures to restrict travel

Even in areas where the epidemic has not been officially notified, prevention and control tends to be strict across the country: the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee Office of Jiangxi Province issued an internal light on October 30 stating that “the domestic epidemic is relatively serious, and all units should not send people out if it is not necessary.” Local governments require civil servants to reduce business trips to prevent the epidemic.

Shanghai’s official Weibo announced on the 7th that all people coming from or passing through high-risk areas in the country will be required to be quarantined for 14 days and 4 nucleic acid tests; those passing through mid-risk areas will be subject to strict community health management for 14 days and 2 times. Nucleic acid amplification testing.

Shanghai citizen Mr. Zhang told reporters on the 5th that the local area is conducting an “exercise” on epidemic prevention. “The communities below us are doing exercises. Many people are doing exercises such as closing the community and conducting nucleic acid inspections.” He also revealed, “Shanghai heard yesterday. It seems that there is a case (case), but the official has not announced it.”

Mr. Zhang, a Shanghai citizen, questioned that the government’s repeated claims for zero-clearing are really just for the sake of seeking fish. “How to zero-clear? Like the November tourist season, the flow of people will inevitably lead to infection. The official control is so strict for the zero-clearing policy, but there are still some. Sporadic cases occur.”

Ruili protests against prolonged closure of the bureaucracy in chaos

Ruili, the former deputy mayor of Ruili, a border city between China and Myanmar that has been subject to a strict zero-clearing policy and has been under closed management for a long time, the former deputy mayor Dai Rongli issued an article on October 28, talking about the misery of the people and hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the city. Call for “Save Ruili!”

In response to official disregard, on November 2nd and 3rd, protests broke out in Tunhong Village and Hemen Village of Mengmao Town, where villagers gathered at the entrance of the village to demand unblocking and subsidies.

Chen Ming, the owner of the hot spring hotel in Hemen Village, told The Epoch Times that after the former deputy mayor’s submission, “I don’t think there is any improvement. I only think that the (government) is intensifying and controlling stuck points more strictly.”

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Ruili arrived at Zhaitunhong Village of Bian Village and raised a slogan petition at the entrance of the village at noon on the 2nd, asking the authorities to unblock it. (Video screenshot)

Feng Chongyi, an expert on China issues and a professor in the Department of History at the University of Technology Sydney, told The Epoch Times that CCP officials wanted to protect their hats, and the future epidemic prevention would only be more chaotic.

“With this kind of closed management, the people who suffer and trouble are the common people. When the epidemic breaks out in your place, these officials must protect their hats. If the local chief executive is affected by the epidemic, you will have to be removed. Therefore, he does not hesitate to pay any price (cleared). .”

Information black box operation, people do not believe the official “digital reset”

Guangzhou citizen Lin Yun told reporters on the 5th that the so-called clearing by the authorities is opaque to the information on the epidemic. “Officially, the official said it was clearing zeros. In fact, various coercive methods are used to intimidate the people and restrict their freedom of travel. However, whether or not it is cleared in the end is the official decision.”

Mr. Lin, a citizen of Zhengzhou, also expressed the same view, “The so-called virus reset is that (the authorities) use their power to deceive themselves and others. In the Zhengzhou epidemic in August, the secretary of the municipal party committee said that it was cleared at the end of the month, and (the number) was cleared. In fact, After announcing the zero reset, for a long time, Zhengzhou’s control is still very strict, as strict as when it was not cleared. So these things are all self-deception.”

As the pace of the Beijing Winter Olympics approaches, it is estimated that the “clearing” measures in various places will be more severe.

Lin Shengliang, a former public welfare philanthropist in Shenzhen, said that the CCP’s efforts to clear zero, conduct frequent nucleic acid tests, and block the epidemic indefinitely are inhumane and unscientific practices. The humanistic isolation policy has led to mental depression, and some people even committed suicide.” In addition, it has also impacted the Chinese economy, caused difficulties in foreign capital operations, and brought another round of unemployment.

The Epoch Times reporters Luo Ya, Hong Ning, and Gu Xiaohua also contributed to this article;
At the request of the interviewee, Song Wen, Zhao Ting, Chen Ming and Lin Yun were all pseudonyms.

Editor in charge: Li Muen#


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