Home » Shaanxi is working hard for the Winter Olympics

Shaanxi is working hard for the Winter Olympics

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Shaanxi is working hard for the Winter Olympics

2021-11-10 09:09:27Source: Shaanxi Daily

Wang Peixuan, a bobsled athlete in our province, is preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The sled athlete Jubay Saikeyi of our province is doing pre-training activities.

With the pace of the Beijing Winter Olympics approaching, from October 5th to the end of December, the “Meet in Beijing” series of winter sports events have been launched in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. Through 10 international competitions, 3 international training weeks and 2 domestic testing activities, the Chinese delegation will select the best domestic athletes to participate. At present, 29 ice and snow training teams are preparing for the final sprint training, including 10 Shaanxi athletes. They will fully demonstrate their training results through points competitions, test competitions, etc., and work hard to represent the Chinese team in the Winter Olympics.

There are 7 major events, 15 sub-items and 109 sub-items in this Winter Olympic Games. About one-third of these competitions have never been carried out in China before. Therefore, participating in the competition for 109 gold medals in this Winter Olympics, the host Chinese team is facing a huge test. Among the Chinese athletes preparing for the competition, there are many athletes who have switched from other sports to ice and snow sports. They will complete their Winter Olympics debut. In the face of many challenges, the Chinese ice and snow athletes faced the difficulties and proposed the goal of participating in the whole event and winning the competition.

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In the 6 years of preparing for the war, the Chinese ice and snow athletes have prepared for the war with the spirit of “mission is on the shoulder, struggling with me”, training hard, trying to adjust the training competition and psychological will to the best state, and fully demonstrate in the Winter Olympics. The demeanor of Chinese ice and snow athletes wins glory for the motherland and spice up life.

At present, the 10 Shaanxi athletes participating in the final sprint training in various national training teams are: Wang Peixuan, Hu Huilan, Jubai Saikeyi, Hou Shuo, Liu Shaonan, Zhao Jiaying in the snowmobile event, Jin Jian and Huai Mingming in the snowmobile event , Ma Yongqi of the alpine skiing project, Zhu Zilong of the steel frame skiing project. These players are all transfer athletes. Faced with unfamiliar ice and snow events, they learned everything from scratch and insisted on large-volume training. With the energy of “time is not waiting, seizing the day and night” and the spirit of “being fearless and pursuing excellence”, they quickly emerged in the national training team, and their sports performance continued to improve.

It is understood that in order to enable more Shaanxi athletes to enter the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Provincial Sports Bureau attaches great importance to the selection and transportation of winter events, and strives to do a good job in cross-sports and cross-border selection to ensure that outstanding athletes participate in the national training team. Facing the Winter Olympics projects, the relevant departments of the provincial sports system carefully studied and actively explored, and formulated a set of selection criteria with Shaanxi characteristics. Through the preliminary selection, Shaanxi confirmed 24 athletes to participate in the selection of the national snow team and the sled team in cross-border, cross-sports and cross-seasons, and 14 of them were selected for the national team. Among them, three snowmobile athletes, Wang Sidong, Jin Jian, and Shen Ke, participated in the last Winter Olympics on behalf of China. Another 27 athletes from Shaanxi have been selected for the national team trial training for 7 projects including steel frame skiing, freestyle skiing aerials, alpine skiing, and biathlon. In order to thank Shaanxi for its outstanding contributions to the selection of cross-border, cross-event and cross-season ice and snow projects, the State Sports General Administration sent a letter of thanks to the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, and hoped that Shaanxi would continue to vigorously support the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics. Make greater contributions to building a sports power.

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In 2018, the national cross-country skiing team, the national alpine skiing team, and the national sled team came to Shaanxi for training for the longest period of 8 months. At the Qinling Four Seasons Ski Resort training base, Shaanxi sent special personnel to follow the team for a long time to ensure the food, accommodation and transportation of the national team, and solve problems in a timely manner. The logistic support work of the National Winter Training Team in Shaanxi has been well received by the national team.

In 2021, in accordance with the deployment arrangements of the Winter Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration, the national ski and skating team will return from overseas competitions and train in Shaanxi. To this end, the Shaanxi Provincial Winter Sports Management Center actively implemented the epidemic prevention and control work of the national training team training at the Ankang base, ensuring that the national training team completed the training tasks for the Winter Olympics in Shaanxi in a safe and orderly manner.

At present, the athletes of ice and snow sports in our province have won 6 golds, 3 silvers and 6 bronzes in the 14th National Games. Shaanxi has built the first national snow project training base in Ankang with 3 sleds, snowmobiles and steel-framed snowmobile starting training tracks. The establishment of the national training base provides necessary conditions for Shaanxi to develop winter sports, and provides the possibility for Shaanxi to take the national team as the leader to drive the rapid development of sleds, steel-framed snowmobiles, and snowmobile competitions across the province. Shaanxi’s goal of “5 million people participating in ice and snow sports” has been basically achieved.

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Author: Mao Mao


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