Home » Pavia clings to the market to hope to get out of the crisis

Pavia clings to the market to hope to get out of the crisis

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At least three new additions in the eleven-base: Marku, Romanò and Gaetano Azzurri in the play out area, the calendar does not help: on Sunday there is the Varesina


A Pavia increasingly in crisis, in the play out area, 9 points away from the top of the group A of Excellence and also out of the Italian Cup, will return to training this afternoon to prepare for the very delicate trip on Sunday to Venegono with Varesina. It will be an opportunity for confrontation between the technical staff and the players. The club confirmed its trust in Mr. Omar Albertini. Choice also motivated by the fact that the November market could have filled some gaps in the blue staff, even if, after the departure of Razzitti (which is very disappointing), it is that there is no experienced center forward destined in this category to make the difference. But we can cling to the market news to hope to get out of the tunnel.

The new grafts and the rebus center forward

In defense, an important addition is that of the 25-year-old Albanian central Ardit Marku, who arrived after a brief experience in Group B of Excellence but first in D with Caravaggio, Breno, Zingonia Verdellino and Grumellese. The choice is quite clear, that of focusing on the expert Della Volpe-Marku couple at the center of the department, with Galimberti as the first alternative; on the outside, on the right the under Negri (born in 2000) and on the left the confirmation of Lizzio or another young man (2001) as June. In the middle of the field, the quality player to dictate the game in the setting phase will be the 28-year-old Andrea Romanò who made his debut in a segment of the second half on Sunday against Gavirate; for interiors, Bargiggia on the right and on the left the other newly acquired Simone Gaetano (2002), ex San Domenico Asti. In attack, the doubt remains about who will play the role of center forward. Salzano as a first striker struggles against athletic defenses and the only alternative is Bellantoni, at least until the reopening of the market in December. Zingari and Donadio are the two players who can support a center, with the hypothesis of the use of the other new entry Davide Cirigliano (ex Fanfulla, born in 2001) as a winger in 4-3-3 or 3-4-3. Modules and choices to be calibrated as always on the under, including the piece of 2002. Until Gavirate, the very titular was the defender Alberto Galimberti (2003) who had not started badly, between the first days of the championship and the Italian Cup, but then suffered as the whole team. Now Gaetano proposes himself to cover the under holder box, but in a different role. Mister Albertini during the week (the first with all the new signings available), will have to evaluate tactical alternatives and training choices. –

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Enrico Venni

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