Home » The current round of mainland China’s epidemic spreads to 21 provinces, new local diagnoses hit a record low of nearly 13 days

The current round of mainland China’s epidemic spreads to 21 provinces, new local diagnoses hit a record low of nearly 13 days

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  (Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) This round of mainland China’s epidemic spreads to 21 provinces and new local diagnoses hit a record low of nearly 13 days

China News Service, Beijing, November 10th. Comprehensive news: The National Health Commission of China notified on the 10th that 54 new cases were confirmed in mainland China on the 9th, of which 15 were imported from abroad and 39 were local. There were 39 new cases of asymptomatic infection, of which 14 were imported from abroad and 25 were from domestic.

As of 24:00 on the 9th, there are currently 1,222 confirmed cases in Mainland China, a total of 4,636 deaths, and a total of 97,939 confirmed cases have been reported. There are currently 388 confirmed cases imported from abroad, a total of 9794 confirmed cases, and no deaths.

  This round of mainland China’s epidemic spreads to 21 provinces with more than 1,000 local confirmed cases

On the 9th, the newly confirmed local cases in Mainland China were distributed in 7 provinces: 17 in Liaoning, 8 in Henan, 5 in Hebei, 4 in Heilongjiang, 2 each in Jiangxi and Yunnan, and 1 in Sichuan. Jilin City, Jilin Province, issued an announcement on the 10th that the city added 1 local confirmed case on the same day. This is the first time that Jilin Province has reported a local confirmed case in this round of the epidemic. So far, the number of provinces in mainland China affected by this round of the epidemic has increased to 21. indivual.

From October 17th, Shaanxi Province reported 2 local confirmed cases to 24:00 on November 9th, the mainland of China reported a total of 1,000 local confirmed cases (1023) during the current round of the epidemic. However, 39 new cases were confirmed locally on the 9th, which was a new low after 23 new cases were added on October 27.

Re-adjust the risk level frequently. Among them, the west area of ​​Gongdongyuan, Chenghua District, Chengdu, was upgraded to a high-risk area, and the Hongfuyuan community in Beiqijia Town, Changping District, Beijing was reduced from a high-risk area to a medium-risk area. As of 18:00 on the 10th, there are still 7 high-risk areas in Mainland China, distributed in 4 provinces of Heilongjiang (3), Hebei (2), Inner Mongolia and Sichuan (one each). There are 81 medium-risk regions, distributed in 14 provinces including Beijing, Liaoning, Henan, and Jiangsu.

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  The new cases in Jilin are those who returned to Jilin from outside the province. The residential area of ​​Chengdu’s “1 Transmission 13” case was adjusted to a high-risk area

Jilin City of Jilin Province notified on the 10th that the newly confirmed local cases in the city that day were people returning to Kyrgyzstan from outside the province. After preliminary verification, the case went to Beijing on a business trip from Qinhuangdao City on October 20 and returned to Jilin City on November 7 by high-speed rail. His mother was a close contact. From November 7th to 9th, she took the bus to and from get off work several times and went to department stores, pharmacies, roasted seeds and nuts shops and other public places.

At present, the residential area of ​​the case has been closed, the epidemic prevention personnel have carried out elimination of relevant places, and all residents of the community have been tested for nucleic acid.

On the 9th, Sichuan Province added one newly confirmed local case, which was reported for Chengdu. The patient is a person living in the same building who previously notified Chengdu of the “1 Transmission 13” case. The West District of the Gongdongyuan of Chenghua District, Chenghua District, has been adjusted to a high-risk area.

It is worth noting that Chengdu University of Technology is close to this high-risk area. According to local reports, as of now, more than 30,000 teachers and students at Chengdu University of Technology have had three rounds of nucleic acid test results all negative.

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Since Chengdu reported the first local confirmed case of this round on November 2, a total of 24 local confirmed cases have been reported for 8 consecutive days. At present, the city has 1 high-risk area and 12 medium-risk areas.

  Dalian epidemic is still developing, Beijing high-risk areas are cleared

Liaoning Province was the province with the largest number of new local cases in mainland China on the 9th. Its 17 local confirmed cases and 15 local asymptomatic infections were all reported by Dalian City. Since Dalian City notified the first local confirmed case of the current round of the epidemic on November 4, a total of 62 local confirmed cases have been reported in less than one week.

In order to prevent the further spread of the epidemic, the Liaoning Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a notice that from 8 o’clock on November 10th, 36 toll stations such as Zhuanghe on the Dalian expressway will be implemented traffic control, that is, the entrance is closed (prevention and control of the epidemic) Material vehicles and rescue vehicles can still pass with a pass), and exits can pass normally.

The current round of the epidemic has infected dozens of teachers and students in primary and secondary schools in Henan and Hebei, and a canteen employee in a university in Dalian has also been infected. In order to effectively curb the campus epidemic, Dalian City recently issued the “City Education System Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Plan”, requiring all districts, counties, education administrative departments, and the school epidemic prevention and control command system to enter an emergency state, and all kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in the city temporarily postpone their admission to schools (gardens). ), colleges, secondary vocational schools, etc. implement closed management to strictly prevent cluster epidemics in schools and prevent the spread of campus epidemic risks to the society.

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Beijing has zero new local cases for two consecutive days, and the Hongfuyuan community in Beiqijia Town, Changping District has been reduced to a medium-risk area since the 10th. At present, the high-risk areas in Beijing have been cleared, and the two medium-risk areas are in Changping District.

  Nearly half of Xinji cases in Hebei are primary and secondary school students in 8 districts and counties of Zhengzhou to carry out nucleic acid testing for all employees

Hebei Province has 5 newly confirmed local cases on the 9th, all in Xinji City. As of 24:00 on the 9th, 58 local confirmed cases have been reported in this round of the epidemic in Xinji City.

According to official reports, of the 5 newly confirmed local cases in Xinji City on the 9th, 2 were under 10 years old. Up to now, 27 primary and middle school students have been diagnosed in Xinji City, with an average age of 10.4 years old, accounting for nearly half of the confirmed cases in the city this round of the epidemic.

On the 9th, Henan Province added 8 confirmed local cases (7 in Zhengzhou City, 1 in Zhoukou City), and 5 new cases of asymptomatic local infections (1 in Zhengzhou City and 4 in Zhoukou City). Among the 5 newly infected cases in Zhoukou City, 3 were students from Fugou County Experimental Middle School.

As of 24:00 on the 9th, Zhengzhou City had discovered 37 local confirmed cases and 6 asymptomatic infections in this round of the epidemic. In order to thoroughly investigate potential infections in the population and effectively stop the spread of the epidemic, Zhengzhou City issued a notice on the 10th, deciding to carry out nucleic acid testing for all employees in 8 districts (cities) including Jinshui District on the 11th. (over)


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