Home » Vaccines effect among children: cases among the over 16s are decreasing, boom among children

Vaccines effect among children: cases among the over 16s are decreasing, boom among children

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The effect of vaccines begins to be seen even among the very young, where the curves of the infection begin to bend where the percentage of vaccinated is highest. On the contrary, among the under 12s, an age group for which an authorized vaccine does not yet exist, there has been a real boom in infections in recent weeks, even if the serious forms and hospitalizations are very rare. These numbers will serve to reflect in view of the green light of the EMA vaccine for 5-11 year olds expected shortly.

One in four contagion is among the under 20s

Photographing the trend of the epidemic is the usual integrated surveillance bulletin on Covid from the Higher Institute of Health which underlines how the growth of infections mainly concerns the age group between 30 and 49 years, where many are not immunized and children under 12 years, not vaccinated. “By analyzing the variation in the incidence at 7 and 14 days – explains the ISS bulletin – the greatest increase in Covid diagnoses in the population aged 0-19 is confirmed”. Particularly in the last week, 24% of cases were diagnosed in the population under 20. An increase for the ISS also due to “greater screening activity within schools”. «A strong variation in the incidence at 14 days – continues the Institute – is also observed for the population aged 30-39 and 40-49 years. These age groups are currently those with the lowest vaccination coverage ».

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Half of the cases among children 5-11 years old

In particular, the ISS underlines how “in the last week there is an increase in the incidence in all age groups; in particular in the population under the age of 12 “which – the Institute recalls – is currently not” eligible for vaccination “there is a” higher incidence than in other age groups “. More in detail, “49% of cases were diagnosed in the 6-11 age group, 33% in the 12-19 age group and only 12% and 7% were diagnosed, respectively between 3 and 5 years and under 3 years “. Particularly striking is the trend of the curves of the last few months where it immediately catches the eye like last summer, in August, when there was a mini surge in cases, most of the infections in this age group under 20 years concentrated between the ages of 16-19. Three months later, this group, like that between 12 and 15 years, records a sharp decline in cases thanks also to vaccines, given that between 12 and 19 years of age, more than 72 percent are now vaccinated.

The expected green light from the EMA and the critical voices

The data recorded in Italy and those arriving from other countries where the vaccinations of children are more advanced are important for the reflections underway in view of the green light, expected shortly, by Ema (the EU drug agency) to vaccine for the age group between 5 and 11 years. The paediatricians in chorus said they were in favor of the extension. But there are also discordant voices, such as that of the director of Spallanzani in Rome Francesco Vaia: “I have said several times that the topic is not vaccinating or not vaccinating children but at this stage of the epidemic I believe it is right to immunize only fragile children “. “Today scientific communication is uncertain because there are still risks in vaccinations in general – pointed out Vaia – In Israel they have seen that there are cases of myocarditis in children and therefore vaccinate only the frail. I believe that it is wise at this time to vaccinate only them in the 5-11 age group. If things were to change and we would have more scientific elements on this issue, it could be extended to everyone ».

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