Home » The alarm in the hospital: “Too many no vax here, we cannot hospitalize the other patients”

The alarm in the hospital: “Too many no vax here, we cannot hospitalize the other patients”

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The fourth wave of the coronavirus epidemic has also begun in our country. This is demonstrated by the numbers of new infections but also those of hospitalized patients. On a national level, the situation is well below the warning threshold with regard to hospitalizations, even for those in intensive care, but if you go deeper into the individual situations, you can discover situations that are very different from those that are photographed on a large scale. . It is the example ofGalliera hospital of Genoa, where a patient was unable to hospitalize because the facility returned to have numerous Covid cases.

We are all very tired and too angry because too often we feel powerless to solve patients’ problems“, he vented Francesco Canale, medical director of the Galliera hospital in Genoa. His words released to The print they arrive after a cancer patient who is undergoing chemotherapy, and who is at risk of sepsis, has not found a place to receive treatment in the ward. The Infectious Diseases department of Galliera, in fact, has been busy again for a few days by Covid patients who, in this fourth wave, are mainly unvaccinated subjects.

Fortunately, the patient is still receiving treatment, even if at home. “The necessary therapies are carried out at home: there are no particular concerns in this regard. It is clear that, normally, these patients are followed up internally Infectious diseases or other departments, in dedicated rooms that are now occupied. It would have been more comfortable and calmer for everyone but, at the moment, the patient does not run additional risks in carrying out the therapy at home“, explained Dr. Francesco Canale, who spoke with the patient’s doctor.

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The medical director then explained the current situation of his hospital: “Yesterday the two rooms were free for patients with severe neutropenia, that is, with severe shortages of white blood cells. It is not the first time that there is no place in infectious diseases and the cause is not only the pandemic: it happened even before. Patients could previously be isolated in the emergency room pending a suitable placement“. The incidence of patients not vaccinated in the beds occupied at the Galliera hospital in Genoa it is quite high: “They are 50-60 per cent of those hospitalized with an average intensity of care and 100 per cent of those in intensive care. And recently hospitalized No Vax are sometimes arrogant and deniers. I don’t mean everyone, sometimes it is like that. They belong to younger average age groups. From 45 to 60 years, mostly“.

Obviously, today’s situation is far from that of the major health emergency, as Francesco Canale also explains well and, despite the fact that the incidence of cases has increased, the doctor does not appear worried at the moment. “It should not be underestimated and must be kept under observation: si vis pacem para bellum“, he said. His recipe for not falling back into the emergency is the one widely exposed also by his other colleagues:”Quickly call back for third dose all categories at risk, starting with assisted healthcare residences. And 40-50 year olds who have not yet received the vaccine must be encouraged to vaccinate“. Doctors continue, however, to live in a condition of great stress:”For us, life in the hospital continues to be heavy for many reasons still linked to Covid 19; from No Vax operators to the Green Pass to having to live everyday life always harnessed and about who goes there. And then the ignorance and lack of sensitivity of those who do not realize how professionals are forced to work in the hospital are angered.“.

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