Home » Although mild, these are the first symptoms of a clouded brain that loses neurons and elasticity

Although mild, these are the first symptoms of a clouded brain that loses neurons and elasticity

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Like all other parts of the body, the mind is also subject to the aging process. Over the years, our brains start to decline naturally because the ability to establish new connections between neurons decreases. Nonetheless sometimes not old age but these 5 brain adversaries cause dementia and memory loss. Which is to say that it is not only advanced age that causes any cognitive deficits. There are several factors that contribute to initiating or accelerating neuronal decay. Many underestimate that even bad eating habits have negative consequences on our mental health. One of the worst killers of brain cells is visceral fat that accumulates in the abdominal area.

In other cases, the brain suffers the aggressions and side effects of some particularly long drug therapies. It follows that in addition to mental fatigue, these 7 drugs turn off the brain and memory of young and old. But even those who don’t take medications on a regular basis may notice a slowdown in their mental abilities.

In fact, even if mild, these are the first symptoms of a foggy brain that loses neurons and elasticity. It therefore happens that you are unable to recall the names of people and objects of daily use. And in addition to memory lapses, sometimes you can’t stay focused on an activity. It seems that the mind jumps from branch to branch like a monkey and has a hard time gathering ideas. And these simple mathematical calculations already make it clear if the brain is no longer functioning well.

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Although mild, these are the first symptoms of a clouded brain that loses neurons and elasticity

Unfortunately, there are several forms of dementia that can attack our brain. Even more disheartening to know that they can arise even between the ages of 30 and 40, but that even younger subjects progress gradually. Among the most common neurodegenerative diseases is Alzheimer’s disease which could already manifest itself around the age of 50. The symptomatology of mental illnesses could be very different from person to person. However, it happens very frequently to have memory lapses and not to remember appointments. Initially, the memory loss occurs in a slight form, so the decline in memory skills is often attributed to an excess of fatigue.

Over time, however, other difficulties usually appear in carrying out some simple daily activities. For example, some people begin to lose very common motor skills such as combing their hair or lighting a match. Others, on the other hand, are unable to focus attention on a task or to distinguish the right hand from the left. For still others, it is becoming increasingly difficult to use language to express themselves or to write. And in addition to the progressive loss of short-term memory, you may also no longer recognize familiar objects and faces.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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