Home » UV: the European Union is still an unfinished project today

UV: the European Union is still an unfinished project today

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“Almost eighty years have passed and Chanoux’s thought is still relevant today: there is no Europe without the brotherhood of peoples”

AOSTA. “The European Union, founded in 1957 (then called the European Coal and Steel Community) still appears today as an unfinished project, far from the idea of ​​a peoples’ Europe represented in the 1940s”. Thus the Union Valdôtaine intervenes in a note in view of May 9, Europe Day.

“More than 60 years have passed”, underlines the mouvement, “and to date we do not have a European Constitution – rejected in 2005 by the French and Dutch referendums and in fact replaced by the Lisbon Treaty of 2007 – which would have been decisive both for forming a ‘supranational identity, both to nourish the awareness of the extraordinary potential inherent in the culture, traditions, intelligences and different sensibilities of the 450 million Europeans “.

The European Union “appears today as an abstract body – continues the note – which is mostly characterized by the adoption of financial policy choices with undeniable important repercussions on all 27 States, but in which it weighs – in the same way as the lack of a European Constitution – the absence of a strong decision on European health, welfare, education, taxation, defense and justice that breaks down, or levels, the today unbridgeable differences in status among the European peoples; this condition, inevitably, hinders and demeans the feeling of belonging. Almost eighty years have passed and Chanoux’s thought is still relevant today: there is no Europe without the brotherhood of peoples “, concludes the UV.

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