Home » Guide to recognizing if headaches and nausea are caused by stress

Guide to recognizing if headaches and nausea are caused by stress

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Headache is a very common malaise among both women and men, both young and adults, and can have various origins and causes. Not all headaches are the same and how to understand their nature? Here is a guide to recognizing if headaches and nausea are caused by stress.

In medical terms, headache is called muscle tension headache and is a very common condition. It is often confused between headache, migraine and headache, but let’s clarify the terms.


It is the common headache, it presents with a moderately intense pain and, usually, not accompanied by other symptoms. It can last from a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 7 days. It is often caused by stress, poor posture, severe fatigue or inadequate nutrition.


Instead, it is a particular type of headache that presents with a throbbing pain and lasts from about 4 to 72 hours. In some cases it can be accompanied by vomiting, nausea and discomfort due to excess sounds or lights.

In everyday life it is not unusual to feel exhausted, tired and without energy: this can be caused by the intensity with which the days are conducted. Keeping up with work, home, children, commitments and the gym inevitably leads to a state of agitation and stress.

Could this stressful state also lead to headaches?

We recommend reading this guide to recognize if headaches and nausea are caused by stress

It may be easy enough to recognize this because it is a constant, dull, and energy-draining pain. It can usually disappear in a short time with the intake of painkillers, easily available in pharmacies, without a prescription. Before taking any drug, however, we always recommend that you consult your doctor.

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Stress headaches can be episodic, due to particularly intense exertion or poor posture. On the other hand, if it is chronic it could also be linked to depressive disorders, anxiety states or repeated panic attacks. The symptoms are:

  • the so-called “head circle” in the whole upper or frontal area;
  • discomfort in the presence of loud sounds or too bright lights;
  • trouble sleeping.

In the latter case, it might be useful to understand why you don’t sleep well.

A simple remedy could be to try to do some physical activity that is not too intense. For example yoga or pilates could help relax the muscles from accumulated tension.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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