Home » Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television Releases 2022 Film List

Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television Releases 2022 Film List

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Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television Releases 2022 Film List

Long and short dramas are fully blooming to show the future layout

2021-12-10 20:19:47Source: Xi’an News Network

Recently, the 10th Anniversary and Film List Release Conference of Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television Company of “Art·Light E·Horizon” was held in Beijing. The press conference was organized around the three themed chapters of “A Decade of Art”, “Art Variety” and “Art New Process”, sharing the growth story, future planning and development of Yida Film and Television in the past decade. At the same time, it also released the 2022 film list, showing the development and layout of Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television on different types of themed tracks.

8 episodes of heavy release with rich themes are eye-catching

At the press conference, 8 works have been unveiled one after another, with a variety of themes and unique perspectives for story creation, which is constantly surprising. In the movie list, “A Year Without Work” and “Wind from the West” are two upcoming dramas that have attracted much attention. The new drama “A Year Without Work”, which focuses on the “work” itself and explores more possibilities in life, exposes the first trailer. The story firmly captures the “general status quo” of the current young people. It has a strong sense of resonance. The leading actor shared his experience of shooting. Actor Wan Peng said that the character he played is completely different from that played by Yoko Lame, but they have become mutual support; Jiang Xueming’s online tweeting about his love drama was spoiled, and the atmosphere on the scene was joyous.

The legendary romantic drama “Wind from Xizhou” is also full of spectacles. It shows the style of the Western Regions in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty in a panoramic view, which is full of imagination. The live lead actor Liu Duanduan revealed that he was playing “Little Peacock”, which was very different from previous roles; Zeng Yixuan said that his role was a girl who dared to chase love; Zhao Shunran, who had an excellent performance in “The Wind Rise”, shared two shots The experience revealed that his relationship with other people has changed, which is curious.

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The remaining 6 works are in preparation. “Hello, Tomorrow”, written by Li Xiao and Ziyou Jiguang, tells the story of how a 30-year-old woman grows up on her own. It is more like the female version of “Mr. Good”, which is very exciting. Jiu Lufeixiang’s original novel “With Jin Chang’an” will also be filmed, and the setting of the sober female general and the “two faces” black knight is superb. Another drama series adapted from IP is the emerging novel “Women Business” in recent years. It tells the story of small characters growing up and struggling under the background of a big era. The male and female protagonists start from nothing in a precarious society, sink and float shopping malls, and develop the Chinese nation. The story of the industry, finally joining hands for a lifetime, is full of highlights. As an original work, “Many Stories in a Small Town” will completely get rid of the inertial thinking of “wandering in a foreign land”, and will no longer focus on Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but a journey of revitalizing folk music based on a pristine town. Later, he returned to the small town to start another struggle, reversing the confusion and struggle of young people and persisting in pursuing dreams. The creative perspective of the play is rare in the domestic market.

In addition, two short dramas “Datang Snacks 2” and “My Life” were released at the event site. “Datang Snacks” is the first time that Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television entered the short drama market. After the broadcast, it achieved good results. “Datang Snacks 2” as an original IP snacks series is highly anticipated and paid attention to. Li Zixuan not only sang the opening song of the play “Chinatown Actress”, but also shared his feelings with everyone. She said that this drama made her grow up and she also revealed that she was a foodie. Wang Lu and Zhang Hangyu shared the joyful atmosphere of the shooting scene and looked forward to the second one that would bring a different experience. “My Life” is another brand-new original short drama, a modern light comedy short drama with a fantasy color. Actor Han Chengyu said that this drama will definitely make people shine.

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Ten years of accumulation and growth, a new layout of deep cultivation content

It is reported that since its establishment in 2011, Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television Co., Ltd. has produced many high-quality dramas in the past ten years, such as “Leaves in Chang’an”, “Great Desert Wolf”, “Love in the War”, “The Righteous Way in the World Is Vicissitudes” “Mr. Good”, “Mr. Love”, “Little Farewell”, “My True Friend”, “Wind Up Clothes”, “Ah Cradle”, “Datang Snacks” and other warm and moving stories, each work is a growth and Metamorphosis.

Jia Yiqun, general manager of Yida Film and Television Co., recalled ten years of time and said, “We have experienced the unprecedented prosperity of the industry brought about by the separation of production and broadcasting, experienced the influx of crazy hot money in the capital market, experienced the fear of the cold winter after the vent, and really enjoyed the industry. The gradual regulation brings true prosperity, and the ups and downs make us more convinced that only by adhering to the original intention, loving art, and immersing in it, can we abandon all distracting thoughts and make good works that move people’s hearts.”

It is worth mentioning that Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television will open a new strategic layout. In the future, it will pay more attention to the aesthetics and needs of “new youth audiences”. Make great efforts and insist on creating original boutique productions. On the one hand, it focuses on the current pain points of reality and creates original boutiques that reflect real life; on the other hand, it focuses on the production of original skits with unique perspectives and strong stylization. In the future, Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television will continue to create high-quality works, using works to talk to the audience, life, and society.

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In addition, Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television set up a special awards session to present the “Longest Love Partner Award” to company partners. Director Chen Jialin and Lin Ke, actors Li Zefeng and Tan Kai came to the stage to receive the award as representatives of the awards. Shaanwen Investment Group Party Secretary and Chairman Wang Yong presented awards to the winners. The four award-winning representatives unanimously stated in their speeches that over the past ten years, Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and Television has maintained a good relationship with many collaborators. They are affectionate and move forward together. They hope to continue to join hands with Shaanwen Investment Yida Film and create a better life. future.

All-media reporter Zhang Jing of Xi’an Press


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