Home » Patrick Zaki to ‘Che tempo che fa’: “I feel Bolognese and I want to live in Bologna”

Patrick Zaki to ‘Che tempo che fa’: “I feel Bolognese and I want to live in Bologna”

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Bologna, 12 December 2021 – “It is thanks to all of you that I am at home. I’m fine now and I have to thank all of you. I feel like I’m in a dream, I’m still trying to figure out what happened to me. I am honored to be here, “he said first Patrick Zaki, the Egyptian student from the University of Bologna released after 22 months in prison in Egypt, tonight’s guest on the show “What’s the weather like” from Fabio Fazio on Rai Tre.

(video granted by Rai, from the site www.raiplay.it)

“For the moment I have no travel ban, I hope to be able to come to Italy, a Bologna as soon as possible. I want to be there tomorrow – continued Zaki in connection via internet from his home in Egypt -. I’ve been cut off from everything in these 22 months, the most terrible moment was when they told me to wait at passport control. It was one of the most terrible moments, I hope it doesn’t happen to anyone. Until a few before they released me He was worried, then I found myself outside, it was an incredible emotion, I still don’t believe it now. “


The Egyptian student then added that he was helped “by the love of all, of my family, of Italy, of all my Bolognese friends. “” The first thing I did when I was home? A shower. “” It was a great honor have been quoted by Liliana Segre – continued the young man – and I will have the great pleasure of meeting her, what she said about me was of great inspiration. “On what will happen at the trial, however, she admitted that” I don’t know, I keep my fingers crossed, I hope a good thing happens to me: I want to go back to Bologna “.

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“Thanks to my teacher Rita Monticelli – concluded Zaki, for me it is a family. Being part of the university community of Bologna, which has shown me so much affection, was there Life force that kept me going every day. I would really like to complete my studies there. I feel like a Bolognese and I want to live in Bologna, I want to do something for this city that has supported me in recent months. And Forza Bologna, I want to go to the stadium as soon as possible “.

Zaki, closed the fake profile on Instagram

The false profile on Patrick Zaki’s Instagram has been closed. He gives the news Amnesty International Italia referring to a account fake appeared on the social network a few hours after the release of the Egyptian student from the University of Bologna. The only two official profiles of Zaki, disseminated by the same network of his supporters, I’m on Facebook and Twitter (patrickzaki1). The fake Instagram profile, reported by the NGO itself, was a potential risk for the researcher since his ordeal began, according to the first accusations, precisely for some posts from a social account that Zaki and his lawyers have always declared to be a fake.

Riccardo Noury, spokesperson for Amnesty International Italia, then added about Zaki’s intervention on TV: “Patrick’s smile, after 22 months of nightmare, caused a very strong emotion. His words confirmed that Bologna had a resistance effect on his mood. We await him soon even though we know that between his desire and his realization there is still a hearing of the trial. But we are confident “.

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Patrick Zaki: the story

Patrick Zaki, Egyptian student of the University of Bologna, was released from the Mansoura prison, last December 8, after 22 months of imprisonment in Egypt, even if the researcher has not yet been acquitted of the charges and the next hearing of the trial will be held on February 1. Just released from prison raised his hand with raised fingers in sign of ‘victory’. Then he exclaimed a “Forza Bologna”. “I want to be in Italy as soon as possible – he added shortly after -, as soon as I can I will go directly to Bologna, my city, my people, my university and I want to say many thanks to the Italians, to Bologna, to the University, to my colleagues, to anyone who supported me ” Zaki he then celebrated the first day out of prison with your family e the first tweet read like this: “Liberty, liberty, liberty”, while in the photo he showed a Bologna football bracelet. The same rossoblù team said they were happy to host him at the stadium when he returns to town.

Zaki had been stopped in Cairo on February 7, 2020, When he had gone on vacation with his family. He was interrogated and subjected to torture, then the next day he was arrested for an arrest warrant issued in 2019. The charges were of istigmatization of violence, protests, terrorism, managing a social account that aimed to undermine public safety. From that moment a long mobilization took place to get Zaki’s release, including the Farnesina (which followed the story step by step), the European Parliament, Amnesty International and the city of Bologna. In fact, Bologna on 11 January had elected him an honorary citizen.

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