Home » CCTV cuts off a scene of Xi Pu’s meeting “Holding a group for warmth” | Beijing Winter Olympics | Putin | Xi Jinping

CCTV cuts off a scene of Xi Pu’s meeting “Holding a group for warmth” | Beijing Winter Olympics | Putin | Xi Jinping

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[NTD News December 16, 2021, Beijing time]Xi Jinping’s video meeting with Putin on December 15 was described by international public opinion as “to keep warm together” and looks close to each other. One of the details attracted attention. The outside world discovered that the image of Xi Jinping coughing three times into the camera was cut by the Chinese Communist Party’s official media. But the Russian side’s photo broadcast is correct.

According to a two-minute video released by the Russian side to the international media, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin waved to each other across the screen at the beginning of the meeting, but about 40 seconds after the video was broadcast, Xi Jinping coughed into the camera. Three beeps. However, the CCTV video of the Communist Party of China does not have this segment.

It is worth noting that this video meeting between Xi Jinping and Putin coincides with the 30th anniversary of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. On December 26, 1991, when the Soviet Union disintegrated, Xi Jinping stated on many occasions that the disintegration of the Soviet Union was a “profound lesson” for the CCP.

Regarding the meeting between the two sides, international public opinion is not optimistic. They believe that under the constant besieges of Western countries, the Chinese and Russian “brothers in distress” have to “hug together for warmth.”

With regard to human rights, the CCP is facing sanctions from more and more countries in the United States and Europe due to its abuse of ethnic minorities, the suppression of the Hong Kong democracy movement, and the US-China trade war. At the same time, Russia is also facing international sanctions for annexing Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula and poisoning and imprisoning opposition leader Alexei Navlany (Alexei Navlany).

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Experts believe that with the international environment becoming more and more isolated, China and Russia seem to be getting closer, but in fact it is just that both sides get what they need. Putin wants China’s interests, while the CCP wants face.

Qin Peng, a Chinese political commentator, believes that China and Russia have always been an alliance of politics and interests, and have never been, and cannot be, true ally of life and death.

Qin Peng said in his self-media channel “Qin Peng Live” that Russia is now a centralized democracy and has abandoned communist ideology, and they have come out of the history of communism and know how the Communist Party will treat its allies and its own people. Therefore, I am also afraid that the CCP will endanger its own security after it becomes strong. In this way, the relationship between the two countries has always been mutual use, detachment, and mutual prevention. (Qin Peng live broadcast)

In the live broadcast on Russian TV, Putin told Xi Jinping that he planned to meet Xi Jinping in Beijing in February next year. “According to the agreement, we will hold talks and then participate in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.”

In the case of Western countries launching a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, experts believe that Putin’s above remarks are “for Xi Jinping’s favor”, which is nothing more than giving Xi Jinping a face.

Huang Weiguo, a former assistant professor of politics and international relations at Hong Kong Baptist University who moved to the United Kingdom, told Radio Free Asia on the 15th that “Russia attends the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics and sells a favor to Xi Jinping, but it does not cost. In fact, this kind of face-saving nature Attendance does not mean that Russia and the CCP can have closer relations, or even form a Sino-Russian alliance to deal with the Western democratic camp.”

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(Editor in charge: Wen Hui)

The URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/12/16/a103295526.html

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