Home » Pensions, the reform work is underway: in 2022 discussions on flexibility, women and complementarity

Pensions, the reform work is underway: in 2022 discussions on flexibility, women and complementarity

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The Government-trade union confrontation will resume immediately after the Christmas holidays, through a series of thematic discussion tables. The announcement came from Secretary General Uil Pierpaolo Bombardieri, at the end of the meeting at Palazzo Chigi, which lasted about an hour, chaired by Prime Minister Mario Draghi. The three round tables will focus on flexibility in leaving, pensions for young people and women and supplementary pensions. It will be Draghi himself, added Bombardieri, who will communicate to the unions, tomorrow morning, the calendar of thematic meetings, which will be held starting from the beginning of 2022.

Bombardieri, finally a reform yard is underway

«An important appointment. It was decided to finally open the construction site to discuss the rigorma of the Fornero law. With three comparisons: on outgoing flexibility, on pensions for young people and women and on supplementary pensions. We agreed on the method, “said Uil Secretary General Pierpaolo Bombardieri, at the end of the meeting at Palazzo Chigi on pensions, explaining that the confrontation will start after Christmas and the calendar will arrive from the government tomorrow.

Sbarra: “Important meeting, positive judgment”

“It was an important meeting. The government accepted our approach to launch a phase of confrontation to negotiate a comprehensive, structural reform of pensions. Tomorrow they will send us a calendar of meetings. We reaffirmed the principle that pensions cannot be just an economic cost but a social sustainability issue. The judgment is positive: we are finally opening the building site for the Fornero reform, with a view to making our system more flexible, more equitable, more sustainable, ”declared the general secretary of the CISL Luigi Sbarra, at the end of the meeting at Palazzo Chigi on pensions.

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Landini: “The unitary proposal of the trade unions to the government”

“We have handed over the unitary proposal on pension reform to the government and we have asked that the confrontation that will have to be opened must address all the issues that exist within the platform, so we are not interested in discussing some adjustments but in making a reform that corrects all the distortions, errors, limits and inequalities that are inside the Fornero reform “, said the general secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini exiting the meeting on pensions with Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the Economy Ministers Daniele Franco, of the I work Andrea Orlando and Renato Brunetta for the Public Administration. On the various issues, Landini said “the government has undertaken to let us have a calendar of meetings tomorrow morning to be launched in the coming days and months so that all of these issues can be dealt with”.

INPS: equalization + 1.7% in January, with more brackets with low allowances

Full pension equalization, de facto frozen in 2020, will restart from 1 January 2022 in the face of negative inflation of 0.3%. A revaluation of + 1.7% which will be applied in a decreasing manner as pensions rise but also, unlike in 2020, calculated on a progressive scale by bracket. A formulation that will bring more generous increases to lower checks. It is an INPS dossier that focuses on an estimate of what was decided by MEF decree last November. In fact, the double calculation will bring pensions up to 4 times the minimum treatment, that is up to 2,062.32 euros, to obtain an increase of 1.7%; those above 4 and up to 5 times the minimum INPS treatment, between € 2,062.33 and € 2,577.90, to have a revaluation of 1.53%, and the revaluation of 1.7% of the bracket up to 2,062.32 euros. Pensions exceeding 5 times the minimum INPS, i.e. over 2,577.90 euros, will instead obtain an increase of 1.275%, without prejudice to the revaluation of 1.7% of the bracket up to 2,062.32 euros and of the 1.53% of the range between € 2,062.33 and € 2,577.90. Overall, therefore, a pension of 2 thousand euros gross per month will enjoy an increase always gross of 34 euros per month, a pension of 2,500 euros gross per month, ie between 4 and 5 times the minimum INPS, will get almost 42 euros per month more. .

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